Intensity Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns on Complex Networks

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Documentation for package ‘intensitynet’ version 1.4.0

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ApplyWindow Retrieve an intensitynet object focused on a given area
ApplyWindow.intensitynet Retrieve an intensitynet object focused on a given area
AreEventsRelated Checks if events are related to the intensitynet object
AreEventsRelated.intensitynet Checks if events are related to the intensitynet object
CalculateDistancesMtx.netTools Calculates the distances between all pairs of nodes from the given network
dir_intnet_chicago This data is an intensitynet object containing a directed network. The base data used is from Chicago, extracted from the spatstat package.
EdgeIntensitiesAndProportions.intensitynet Calculate all the edge intensities of the graph.
EdgeIntensity.intensitynet Given two nodes, calculates its edge intensity
GeoreferencedGgplot2.netTools Plot heatmaps of a network
GeoreferencedPlot.netTools Plot the given network using its node coordinates
GetEventCorrection Gives the event correction value related to the intensitynet object
GetEventCorrection.intensitynet Gives the event correction value related to the intensitynet object
GetEvents Gives the events related to the intensitynet object
GetEvents.intensitynet Gives the events related to the intensitynet object
GetGraph Gives the graph related to the intensitynet object
GetGraph.intensitynet Gives the graph related to the intensitynet object
GetGraphType Gives the type of graph related to the intensitynet object
GetGraphType.intensitynet Gives the type of graph related to the intensitynet object
InitGraph.netTools Creates an igraph network with the given data
intensitynet Constructor of the class intensitynet.
IsIntensitynet Is this class object intensitynet?
MeanNodeIntensity.intensitynetDir Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for directed networks)
MeanNodeIntensity.intensitynetMix Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for mixed networks)
MeanNodeIntensity.intensitynetUnd Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for undirected networks)
mix_intnet_chicago This data is an intensitynet object containing an mixed network. The base data used is from Chicago, extracted from the spatstat package.
NodeGeneralCorrelation Calculate dependence statistics on the network
NodeGeneralCorrelation.intensitynet Calculate dependence statistics on the network
nodeIntensity.intensitynetDir Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for directed networks)
nodeIntensity.intensitynetMix Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for mixed networks)
nodeIntensity.intensitynetUnd Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for undirected networks)
NodeLocalCorrelation Calculates local correlations based on nodes
NodeLocalCorrelation.intensitynet Calculates local correlations based on nodes
PathTotalWeight Calculates the total weight of the given path
PathTotalWeight.intensitynet Calculates the total weight of the given path
plot.intensitynet Plot intensitynet object
PlotHeatmap Given an intensitynet object, plot network heatmaps
PlotHeatmap.intensitynet Given an intensitynet object, plot network heatmaps
PlotNeighborhood Plot the neighbors of a node including the closer events
PlotNeighborhood.intensitynet Plot the neighbors of a node including the closer events
PointToLine.netTools Gives the distance between an event and the line formed by two nodes.
PointToSegment Gives the shortest distance between an event and a set of segments.
PointToSegment.netTools Gives the shortest distance between an event and a set of segments.
PointToSegment_deprecated Gives the shortest distance between an event and the segment formed by two nodes.
PointToSegment_deprecated.netTools Gives the shortest distance between an event and the segment formed by two nodes.
RelateEventsToNetwork Calculates intensity statistics for the given intensitynet object
RelateEventsToNetwork.intensitynetDir Calculates intensity statistics for the given intensitynet object
RelateEventsToNetwork.intensitynetMix Calculates intensity statistics for the given intensitynet object
RelateEventsToNetwork.intensitynetUnd Calculates intensity statistics for the given intensitynet object
SetEdgeIntensity.netTools Sets the given intensities as an edge attribute to the given igraph network
SetNetCoords.netTools Creates an igraph network with the given data
SetNetworkAttribute.intensitynet Set attributes to the network edges or nodes
SetNodeIntensity.netTools Sets the given intensities as a node attribute to the given igraph network
ShortestNodeDistance.intensitynet Given two nodes, gives its shortest distance based on the minimum amount of edges
ShortestPath Given two nodes, calculates the shortest path and its total weight
ShortestPath.intensitynet Given two nodes, calculates the shortest path and its total weight
summary Summary of the intensitynet object
summary.intensitynet Summary of the intensitynet object
Undirected2RandomDirectedAdjMtx.netTools Converts a directed adjacency matrix to undirected
und_intnet_chicago This data is an intensitynet object containing an undirected network. The base data used is from Chicago, extracted from the spatstat package.