ApplyWindow | Retrieve an intensitynet object focused on a given area |
ApplyWindow.intensitynet | Retrieve an intensitynet object focused on a given area |
AreEventsRelated | Checks if events are related to the intensitynet object |
AreEventsRelated.intensitynet | Checks if events are related to the intensitynet object |
CalculateDistancesMtx.netTools | Calculates the distances between all pairs of nodes from the given network |
dir_intnet_chicago | This data is an intensitynet object containing a directed network. The base data used is from Chicago, extracted from the spatstat package. |
EdgeIntensitiesAndProportions.intensitynet | Calculate all the edge intensities of the graph. |
EdgeIntensity.intensitynet | Given two nodes, calculates its edge intensity |
GeoreferencedGgplot2.netTools | Plot heatmaps of a network |
GeoreferencedPlot.netTools | Plot the given network using its node coordinates |
GetEventCorrection | Gives the event correction value related to the intensitynet object |
GetEventCorrection.intensitynet | Gives the event correction value related to the intensitynet object |
GetEvents | Gives the events related to the intensitynet object |
GetEvents.intensitynet | Gives the events related to the intensitynet object |
GetGraph | Gives the graph related to the intensitynet object |
GetGraph.intensitynet | Gives the graph related to the intensitynet object |
GetGraphType | Gives the type of graph related to the intensitynet object |
GetGraphType.intensitynet | Gives the type of graph related to the intensitynet object |
InitGraph.netTools | Creates an igraph network with the given data |
intensitynet | Constructor of the class intensitynet. |
IsIntensitynet | Is this class object intensitynet? |
MeanNodeIntensity.intensitynetDir | Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for directed networks) |
MeanNodeIntensity.intensitynetMix | Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for mixed networks) |
MeanNodeIntensity.intensitynetUnd | Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for undirected networks) |
mix_intnet_chicago | This data is an intensitynet object containing an mixed network. The base data used is from Chicago, extracted from the spatstat package. |
NodeGeneralCorrelation | Calculate dependence statistics on the network |
NodeGeneralCorrelation.intensitynet | Calculate dependence statistics on the network |
nodeIntensity.intensitynetDir | Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for directed networks) |
nodeIntensity.intensitynetMix | Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for mixed networks) |
nodeIntensity.intensitynetUnd | Calculates the mean intensity of the given node (for undirected networks) |
NodeLocalCorrelation | Calculates local correlations based on nodes |
NodeLocalCorrelation.intensitynet | Calculates local correlations based on nodes |
PathTotalWeight | Calculates the total weight of the given path |
PathTotalWeight.intensitynet | Calculates the total weight of the given path |
plot.intensitynet | Plot intensitynet object |
PlotHeatmap | Given an intensitynet object, plot network heatmaps |
PlotHeatmap.intensitynet | Given an intensitynet object, plot network heatmaps |
PlotNeighborhood | Plot the neighbors of a node including the closer events |
PlotNeighborhood.intensitynet | Plot the neighbors of a node including the closer events |
PointToLine.netTools | Gives the distance between an event and the line formed by two nodes. |
PointToSegment | Gives the shortest distance between an event and a set of segments. |
PointToSegment.netTools | Gives the shortest distance between an event and a set of segments. |
PointToSegment_deprecated | Gives the shortest distance between an event and the segment formed by two nodes. |
PointToSegment_deprecated.netTools | Gives the shortest distance between an event and the segment formed by two nodes. |
RelateEventsToNetwork | Calculates intensity statistics for the given intensitynet object |
RelateEventsToNetwork.intensitynetDir | Calculates intensity statistics for the given intensitynet object |
RelateEventsToNetwork.intensitynetMix | Calculates intensity statistics for the given intensitynet object |
RelateEventsToNetwork.intensitynetUnd | Calculates intensity statistics for the given intensitynet object |
SetEdgeIntensity.netTools | Sets the given intensities as an edge attribute to the given igraph network |
SetNetCoords.netTools | Creates an igraph network with the given data |
SetNetworkAttribute.intensitynet | Set attributes to the network edges or nodes |
SetNodeIntensity.netTools | Sets the given intensities as a node attribute to the given igraph network |
ShortestNodeDistance.intensitynet | Given two nodes, gives its shortest distance based on the minimum amount of edges |
ShortestPath | Given two nodes, calculates the shortest path and its total weight |
ShortestPath.intensitynet | Given two nodes, calculates the shortest path and its total weight |
summary | Summary of the intensitynet object |
summary.intensitynet | Summary of the intensitynet object |
Undirected2RandomDirectedAdjMtx.netTools | Converts a directed adjacency matrix to undirected |
und_intnet_chicago | This data is an intensitynet object containing an undirected network. The base data used is from Chicago, extracted from the spatstat package. |