aa2char |
Convert sequences between binary and character string formats. |
allocateCVI |
Allocate sequences for cross validation by identity. |
char2aa |
Convert sequences between binary and character string formats. |
char2dna |
Convert sequences between binary and character string formats. |
classify |
Tree-based sequence classification. |
conversion |
Convert sequences between binary and character string formats. |
decodePHMM |
Encode and decode profile HMMs in raw byte format. |
demultiplex |
Demultiplex merged FASTQ |
dereplicate |
Dereplicate and rereplicate sequence datasets. |
disambiguate |
Convert oligonucleotide sequences into regular expressions. |
dna2char |
Convert sequences between binary and character string formats. |
duplicated.AAbin |
Further bit-level manipulation of DNA and amino acid sequences. |
duplicated.DNAbin |
Further bit-level manipulation of DNA and amino acid sequences. |
encodePHMM |
Encode and decode profile HMMs in raw byte format. |
encoding |
Encode and decode profile HMMs in raw byte format. |
expand |
Expand an existing classification tree. |
get_lineage |
Get full lineage details from a taxonomic ID number. |
get_taxID |
Get taxon ID from taxonomy database. |
hash |
Convert sequences to MD5 hashes. |
insect |
Informatic sequence classification trees. |
join |
Concatenate DNAbin objects while preserving attributes. |
learn |
Informatic sequence classification tree learning. |
manipulate |
Further bit-level manipulation of DNA and amino acid sequences. |
prune_taxonomy |
Prune taxonomy database. |
purge |
Identify and remove erroneous reference sequences. |
qfilter |
Quality filtering for amplicon sequences. |
rc |
Reverse complement DNA in character string format. |
read |
Read FASTA and FASTQ files. |
readFASTA |
Read FASTA and FASTQ files. |
readFASTQ |
Read FASTA and FASTQ files. |
replicate |
Dereplicate and rereplicate sequence datasets. |
rereplicate |
Dereplicate and rereplicate sequence datasets. |
samoa |
Table of marine COI amplicon sequence variants from American Samoa |
searchGB |
Query the NCBI GenBank database. |
shave |
Shave ends from DNA and amino acid sequences |
stitch |
Paired-end read stitching. |
subset.AAbin |
Further bit-level manipulation of DNA and amino acid sequences. |
subset.DNAbin |
Further bit-level manipulation of DNA and amino acid sequences. |
taxonomy |
Download taxonomy database. |
trim |
Trim primer and/or index sequences. |
unique.AAbin |
Further bit-level manipulation of DNA and amino acid sequences. |
unique.DNAbin |
Further bit-level manipulation of DNA and amino acid sequences. |
virtualFISH |
Virtual _in situ_ hybridization. |
virtualPCR |
Virtual PCR. |
whales |
Cetacean 16S rDNA sequences. |
whale_taxonomy |
Cetacean section of NCBI taxonomy database. |
write |
Write sequences to text in FASTA or FASTQ format. |
writeFASTA |
Write sequences to text in FASTA or FASTQ format. |
writeFASTQ |
Write sequences to text in FASTA or FASTQ format. |