toLatexTable {infoDecompuTE}R Documentation

Convert the R output to Latex Table


Print the Latex scripts on the screen for the user to output the table from the Latex output.


toLatexTable(ANOVA, EF, fixed.names)



a matrix containing the coefficients of the variance components in EMS of ANOVA table generated by getCoefVC.onePhase or getCoefVC.twoPhase.


a matrix containing the coefficient of the fixed effects components and the treatment average efficiency factors generated by getFixedEF.onePhase or getFixedEF.onePhase function.


a vector of character allows the users to modify symbols for the fixed effects.


Once the Latex script is generated, it requires the user to install and load two Latex packages: booktabs and bm to compile the Latex script.


Kevin Chang


design1 <- local({ 
  Ani = as.factor(LETTERS[c(1,2,3,4,
  Trt = as.factor(letters[c(1,1,1,1,
  data.frame(Ani, Trt, stringsAsFactors = TRUE )

blk.str <- "Ani"
rT <- terms(as.formula(paste("~", blk.str, sep = "")), keep.order = TRUE) 
blkTerm <- attr(rT,"term.labels")
Z <- makeBlkDesMat(design1, blkTerm)

trt.str = "Trt"              
fT <- terms(as.formula(paste("~", trt.str, sep = "")), keep.order = TRUE)  

trtTerm <- attr(fT, "term.labels")
effectsMatrix <- attr(fT, "factor")        

T <- makeContrMat(design1, trtTerm, effectsMatrix, contr.vec = NA)

N <- makeOverDesMat(design1, trtTerm)

Replist = getTrtRep(design1, trtTerm)   
Rep <- Replist$Rep
trt.Sca <- Replist$Sca
effFactors = lapply(makeOrthProjectors(Z), function(z) 
      getEffFactor(z, T, N, Rep, trt.Sca))

effFactors <- effFactors[sort(1:length(effFactors), decreasing=TRUE)]

v.mat <- getVMat.onePhase(Z.Phase1 = Z, design.df = design.df, var.comp = NA)
ANOVA <- getCoefVC.onePhase(Pb = effFactors, design.df = design1, v.mat = v.mat, 
    response = NA, table.legend = FALSE, decimal = FALSE, digits = 2)
EF <- getFixedEF.onePhase(effFactors = effFactors, trt.Sca = trt.Sca,  T = T, 
  Rep = Rep, 
	table.legend = FALSE, decimal = FALSE, digits = 2, list.sep = FALSE)

toLatexTable(ANOVA = ANOVA, EF = EF, fixed.names = c("\\tau"))

[Package infoDecompuTE version 0.6.2 Index]