Information Decomposition of Two-Phase Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘infoDecompuTE’ version 0.6.2

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infoDecompuTE-package Information Decomposition of Two-phase Experiments
adjustEffectNames Adjust the Effects' Names
adjustMissingLevels Adjust the Missing Levels
chrisEx1 Randomised Block design consisted of 6 blocks and 3 plots.
chrisEx2 Randomised Block design consisted of 8 blocks and 2 plots.
chrisEx3 Randomised Block design consisted of 4 blocks and 2 plots.
getCoefVC.onePhase Get Variance Components' Coefficients and Mean Squares for Single-Phase or Two-Phase Experiments
getCoefVC.twoPhase Get Variance Components' Coefficients and Mean Squares for Single-Phase or Two-Phase Experiments
getEffFactor Construct the Matrix from Information Decomposition and Compute the Efficiency Factors of Treatment effects
getFixedEF.onePhase Get the Fixed Components' coefficients and Efficiency Factors of Single-Phase Experiments.
getFixedEF.twoPhase Get the Fixed Components' coefficients and Efficiency Factors of Two-Phase Experiments.
getTrtCoef Get the Treatment Coefficients
getTrtRep Calculate the Treatment Replication number
getVMat.onePhase Get the Variance Matrices for Single-Phase experiment
getVMat.twoPhase Get the Variance Matrices for Two-Phase experiment
identityMat Identity Matrix
infoDecompMat Construct the Matrix from Information Decomposition
infoDecompuTE Information Decomposition of Two-phase Experiments
invInfMat Invert the Information Matrix
J Identity Matrix Minus Averaging Matrix
K Averaging Matrix
makeBlkDesMat Construct Block Design Matrix
makeContrMat Make Contrast Matrix
makeOrthProjectors Construct Orthogonal Projector Matrices
makeOverDesMat Construct the Overall Treatment or Block design Matrix
projMat Construct a Projection Matrix
summaryAovOnePhase Summarize an Theoretical Analysis of Variance Model of Single-Phase Experiments
summaryAovTwoPhase Summarize an Theoretical Analysis of Variance Model of Two-Phase Experiments
toLatexTable Convert the R output to Latex Table
tr Trace of the Matrix
unity Construct a unity vector