frrcal {inctools}R Documentation

Estimate False-Recent Rate


Estimates subject-level false-recent rate (FRR) for a given time cutoff. Each subject with any observations after the time cutoff is assigned a recency status according to the majority of observations for that subject after the cutoff. In the event of exactly half of the observations being classified as recent, the subject contributes a count of 0.5. The function performs an exact binomial test and reports the estimated probability of testing recent after the cutoff, a confidence interval for the proportion, the number of recent results ('successes'), number of subjects ('trials') and the number of data points contributing to the subject-level estimate.


frrcal(data = NULL, subid_var = NULL, time_var = NULL,
  recency_cutoff_time = 730.5, recency_rule = "binary_data",
  recency_vars = NULL, recency_params = NULL, alpha = 0.05,
  method = "exact", debug = FALSE)



A data frame containing variables for subject identifier, time (since detectable infection), and variables with biomarker readings or recency status (to be specified in recency_vars)


The variable in the dataframe identifying subjects


The variable in the dataframe indicating time between 'time zero' (usually detectable infection) and biomarker measurement


Recency time cut-off ('Big T'). Default=730.5.


Specified rule for defining recent/non-recent outcomes from biomarker data (see Details)


Variables to be used in determining recency outcomes


Vector of numeric parameters (e.g. thresholds) for determining recency according to the relevant rule


Confidence level, default=0.05.


Method for computing confidence interval on binomial probability (passed to binom::binom.confint). Default is Clopper-Pearson 'exact' method. Accepted values: 'c("exact", "ac", "asymptotic", "wilson", "prop.test", "bayes", "logit", "cloglog", "probit")'.


Enable debugging mode (browser)


The package contains long form documentation in the form of vignettes that cover the use of the main fucntions. Use browseVignettes(package="inctools") to access them.

recency_rule: binary_data - supply a binary variable with 1=recent and 0=non-recent in recency_vars.

recency_rule: independent_thresholds: supply one threshold variable per biomarker in recency_vars and the relevant thresholds, as well as whether a value below or above each threshold indicates recency in recency_params.

recency_params expects a list of pairs of thresholds and thresholdtypes, with zero indicating a reading below the threshold implies recency and 1 that a reading above the threshold implies recency. (Note: two values, a threshold and a thresholdtype per variable must be specified in recency_params. For example, if you specify recency_vars = c('ODn','ViralLoad') you may specify recency_params = c(1.5,0,500,1), meaning that an ODn reading below 1.5 AND a viral load reasing above 500 indicates a recent result. Objects with missing values in its biomarker readings will be excluded from caculation.


       subid_var = "SubjectID",
       time_var = "DaysSinceEDDI",
       recency_cutoff_time = 730.5,
       recency_rule = "independent_thresholds",
       recency_vars = c("Result","VL"),
       recency_params = c(10,0,1000,1),
       method = "exact",
       alpha = 0.05)

[Package inctools version 1.0.15 Index]