Interval Censored Recursive Forests

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Documentation for package ‘icrf’ version 2.0.2

Help Pages

getTree Extract a single tree from an icrf object
getTree.icrf Extract a single tree from an icrf object
icrf Interval Censored Recursive Forests (ICRF)
icrf.default Interval Censored Recursive Forests (ICRF)
icrf.formula Interval Censored Recursive Forests (ICRF)
importance 'Extract variable importance measure'
importance.default 'Extract variable importance measure'
importance.icrf 'Extract variable importance measure'
measure Prediction error measures
plot icrf IMSE rate plot
plot.icrf icrf IMSE rate plot
predict.icrf icrf predictions
print.icrf Interval Censored Recursive Forests (ICRF)
rat2 Rat tumor data
survplot 'Plotting individual survival curves'
treesize Size of trees in an 'icrf' ensemble
treesize.icrf Size of trees in an 'icrf' ensemble
varImpPlot 'Variable Importance Plot'
varImpPlot.icrf 'Variable Importance Plot'
varUsed 'Variables used in' an 'icrf' ensemble
varUsed.icrf 'Variables used in' an 'icrf' ensemble