Multi-Reader, Multi-Case Analysis Methods (ROC, Agreement, and Other Metrics)

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Documentation for package ‘iMRMC’ version 1.2.5

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convertDF Convert MRMC data frames
convertDFtoDesignMatrix Convert an MRMC data frame to a design matrix
convertDFtoScoreMatrix Convert an MRMC data frame to a score matrix
createGroups Assign a group label to items in a vector
createIMRMCdf Convert a data frame with all needed factors to doIMRMC formatted data frame
doIMRMC MRMC analysis of the area under the ROC curve
extractPairedComparisonsBRBM Extract between-reader between-modality pairs of scores
extractPairedComparisonsWRBM Extract within-reader between-modality pairs of scores
getBRBM Get between-reader, between-modality paired data from an MRMC data file
getMRMCscore Get a score from an MRMC data frame
getWRBM Get within-reader, between-modality paired data from an MRMC data file
init.lecuyerRNG Initialize the l'Ecuyer random number generator
laBRBM MRMC analysis of between-reader between-modality limits of agreement
laWRBM MRMC analysis of within-reader between-modality limits of agreement
renameCol Rename a data frame column name or a list object name
roc2binary Convert ROC data formatted for doIMRMC to TPF and FPF data formatted for doIMRMC
roeMetzConfigs roeMetzConfigs
sim.gRoeMetz Simulate an MRMC data set of an ROC experiment comparing two modalities
sim.gRoeMetz.config Create a configuration object for the sim.gRoeMetz program
simMRMC Simulate an MRMC data set
simRoeMetz.example Simulates a sample MRMC ROC experiment
successDFtoROCdf Convert an MRMC data frame of successes to one formatted for doIMRMC
undoIMRMCdf Convert a doIMRMC formatted data frame to a standard data frame with all factors.
uStat11 Analysis of U-statistics degree 1,1
uStat11.conditionalD Analysis of U-statistics degree 1,1
uStat11.diff Create the kernel and design matrices for uStat11
uStat11.identity Create the kernel and design matrices for uStat11
uStat11.jointD Analysis of U-statistics degree 1,1