txtRound {htmlTable}R Documentation

A convenient rounding function


Regular round often looses trailing 0:s as these are truncated, this function converts everything to strings with all 0:s intact so that tables have the correct representation, e.g. txtRound(1.01, digits = 1) turns into 1.0.


txtRound(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  digits = 0,
  digits.nonzero = NA,
  txt.NA = "",
  dec = getOption("htmlTable.decimal_marker", default = "."),
  scientific = NULL,
  txtInt_args = getOption("htmlTable.round_int", default = NULL),

## S3 method for class 'table'
txtRound(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'matrix'
txtRound(x, digits = 0, excl.cols = NULL, excl.rows = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
txtRound(x, ..., digits = 0L)



The value/vector/data.frame/matrix to be rounded


Passed to next method


The number of digits to round each element to. For matrix or data.frame input you can provide a vector/list. An unnamed vector/list must equal the length of the columns to round. If you provide a named vector you can provide specify per column the number of digits, and then use .default for those columns that we don't need to have separate values for.


The number of digits to keep if the result is close to zero. Sometimes we have an entire table with large numbers only to have a few but interesting observation that are really interesting


The string to exchange NA with


The decimal marker. If the text is in non-English decimal and string formatted you need to change this to the appropriate decimal indicator. The option for this is htmlTable.decimal_marker.


If the value should be in scientific format.


A list of arguments to pass to txtInt() if that is to be used for large values that may require a thousands separator. The option for this is htmlTable.round_int. If TRUE it will activate the txtInt functionality.


Columns to exclude from the rounding procedure when provided a matrix. This can be either a number or regular expression. Skipped if x is a vector.


Rows to exclude from the rounding procedure when provided a matrix. This can be either a number or regular expression.



Tidy-select with data.frame

The txtRound can use data.frame for input. This allows us to use tidyselect patterns as popularized by dplyr.

See Also

Other text formatters: txtInt(), txtMergeLines(), txtPval()


# Basic usage
txtRound(1.023, digits = 1)
# > "1.0"

txtRound(pi, digits = 2)
# > "3.14"

txtRound(12344, digits = 1, txtInt_args = TRUE)
# > "12,344.0"

# Using matrix
mx <- matrix(c(1, 1.11, 1.25,
               2.50, 2.55, 2.45,
               3.2313, 3, pi),
             ncol = 3, byrow=TRUE)
txtRound(mx, digits = 1)
#> [,1]  [,2]  [,3]
#> [1,] "1.0" "1.1" "1.2"
#> [2,] "2.5" "2.5" "2.5"
#> [3,] "3.2" "3.0" "3.1"

# Using a data.frame directly
# If we want to round all the numerical values
mtcars %>%
  txtRound(digits = 1)

# If we want only want to round some columns
mtcars %>%
  txtRound(wt, qsec_txt = qsec, digits = 1)

[Package htmlTable version 2.4.3 Index]