addHtmlTableStyle | Add/set css and other style options |
appendHtmlTableStyle | Add/set css and other style options |
concatHtmlTables | Function for concatenating 'htmlTable()'s |
getHtmlTableStyle | Get style options for object |
getHtmlTableTheme | Retrieve the 'htmlTable()' theme list |
hasHtmlTableStyle | Check if object has a style set to it |
htmlTable | Output an HTML table |
htmlTable.default | Output an HTML table |
htmlTableWidget | htmlTable with pagination widget |
htmlTableWidget-shiny | Shiny bindings for htmlTableWidget |
htmlTableWidgetOutput | Shiny bindings for htmlTableWidget |
innerJoinByCommonCols | A simple function for joining two tables by their intersected columns |
interactiveTable | An interactive table that allows you to limit the size of boxes |
interactiveTable.htmlTable | An interactive table that allows you to limit the size of boxes |
knit_print.htmlTable | Output an HTML table |
knit_print.interactiveTable | An interactive table that allows you to limit the size of boxes |
prBindDataListIntoColumns | Merge columns into a tibble |
prConvertDfFactors | Convert all factors to characters to print them as they expected |
prepGroupCounts | Retrieves counts for rgroup, cgroup, & tspanner arguments |
prEscapeHtml | Remove html entities from table |
prExtractElementsAndConvertToTbl | Extract the elements and generate a table with unique elements |
print.htmlTable | Output an HTML table |
print.interactiveTable | An interactive table that allows you to limit the size of boxes |
renderHtmlTableWidget | Shiny bindings for htmlTableWidget |
SCB | Average age in Sweden |
setHtmlTableTheme | Set or update theme for 'htmlTable()' |
tblNoLast | Gets the last table number |
tblNoNext | Gets the next table number |
tidyHtmlTable | Generate an htmlTable using tidy data as input |
txtInt | SI or English formatting of an integer |
txtMergeLines | A merges lines while preserving the line break for HTML/LaTeX |
txtPval | Formats the p-values |
txtRound | A convenient rounding function | | A convenient rounding function |
txtRound.default | A convenient rounding function |
txtRound.matrix | A convenient rounding function |
txtRound.table | A convenient rounding function |
vector2string | Collapse vector to string |