Mplus_epal {holland}R Documentation

Extracting RIASEC and additional construct angular locations from Mplus output


This function extracts the empirical RIASEC angular locations and angular locations for the additional (projected) construct from an Mplus output file, which is the result of processing the Mplus syntax generated with the function Mplus_psyn().


Mplus_epal(target, M, konstrukt = "", ...)



name of the Mplus output file name within the working directory as character. May also be a full path or relative path. Example: target = "MyMplus.out"


number of additional construct dimensions projected into the RIASEC circumplex - e.g. M=5 for big-five personality dimensions


optionally a character vector with length = M containing labels for construct dimensions.


additional parameters passed through


This function uses the function readModels() in package MplusAutomation.

more to come


returns a list object containing the RIASEC and additional construct angular locations extracted from the Mplus output.


Holland, J.L. (1997). Making vocational choices. A theory of vocational personalities and work environments. Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.

Nagy, G., Marsh, H. W., Luedtke, O., & Trautwein, U. (2009). Representing circles in our minds: Confirmatory factor analysis of circumplex structures and profiles. In T. Teo & M. S. Khine (Hrsg.), Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research: Concepts and applications (S. 287 - 315). Rotterdam Boston Taipei: Sense Publishers.


## generating an example Mplus syntax refering to a R object with correlation data 
data(example1) # loading fictional example correlation matrix
Mplus_esyn(N = 300, Cor = example1)
##### not run until Mplus inputfile example1.inp is processed by Mplus #####
## Not run: Mplus_epal("example1.out",M=0)
### clean up work directory
file.remove("example1.inp") # remove generated Mplus syntax from work dir.
file.remove("example1.dat") # remove generated cor. data from work dir.

[Package holland version 0.1.2-1 Index]