Statistics for Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice

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Documentation for package ‘holland’ version 0.1.2-1

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holland-package Statistics for the Framework of Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice
AIST_2005_F_1270 RIASEC correlations - female AIST norm sample
AIST_2005_M_1226 RIASEC correlations - female AIST norm sample
AIST_2019_F_2015 RIASEC correlations - female AIST sample
AIST_2019_M_1661 RIASEC correlations - male AIST sample
Circ_emp Running Mplus for empirical RIASEC angular locations
Circ_pro Running Mplus for empirical RIASEC and additional construct angular locations
Circ_test Running Mplus for testing empirical RIASEC angular locations
con_brown_c_holland Congruence Index c according to Brown & Gore (1994)
con_compindex_holland Compatibility Index according to Wiggins & Moody (1981)
con_hamming_holland Congruence Index based on the Hamming distance
con_iachan_holland Congruence Index according to Iachan (1984)
con_levenshtein_holland Congruence Index based on the Levenshtein distance
con_n3_holland Congruence Index according to Joerin Fux (2005)
con_oneletter_holland Congruence Index according to Holland (1963)
con_threeletter_holland Congruence Index according to Wolfe & Betz (1981)
con_twoletter_holland Congruence Index according to Healy & Mourton (1983)
con_zs_holland Congruence Index according to Zener & Schnuelle (1976)
deg radians to degrees
dif_7_holland Seven differentiation indices for Holland profiles
example1 RIASEC correlations - perfect
example2 RIASEC correlations - not so perfect
example3 RIASEC and Big-Five correlations - perfect
example4 RIASEC and Big-Five correlations - not so perfect
kormean Take the Mean of two Correlation Matrices
Mplus_eeal Extracting empirical RIASEC angular locations from Mplus output
Mplus_epal Extracting RIASEC and additional construct angular locations from Mplus output
Mplus_esyn Generating Mplus syntax for empirical RIASEC angular locations
Mplus_fit Reading some fit indices from Mplus output
Mplus_psyn Generating Mplus syntax for empirical RIASEC angular locations with projected constructs
Mplus_tsyn Generating Mplus syntax for testing empirical RIASEC angular locations
plot.empCirc S3 plotting method for object of class '"empCirc"'
plot.proCirc S3 plotting method for object of class '"proCirc"'
plot_profile_holland Plot an interest profile in the Hexagon
rad degrees to radians
rot.deg rotate degrees by amount in degrees
rot.rad rotate radians by amount in radians
sco2let Convert Holland score profiles to Holland-letter-codes
sim_score_data Simulation of multivariate score data
write_dat writing R matrix objects as .dat text files