apply_threshold {hidecan}R Documentation

Filters GWAS or DE results based on a threshold


Filters markers or genes/transcripts based on a threshold applied to their GWAS or DE score, and log2(fold-change) (if applicable). For a set of candidate genes, simply returns the list. Note that markers or genes with a missing score or log2(fold-change) will be removed from the dataset.


apply_threshold(x, score_thr = 0, log2fc_thr = 0)

## S3 method for class 'GWAS_data'
apply_threshold(x, score_thr = 0, log2fc_thr = 0)

## S3 method for class 'DE_data'
apply_threshold(x, score_thr = 0, log2fc_thr = 0)

## S3 method for class 'CAN_data'
apply_threshold(x, score_thr = 0, log2fc_thr = 0)

## Default S3 method:
apply_threshold(x, score_thr = 0, log2fc_thr = 0)



Either a GWAS_data, DE_data or CAN_data object.


Numeric, threshold to use on markers' or genes/transcripts' score. Only markers or genes with a score equal to or higher than this threshold will be retained. Default value is 0. Ignored for CAN_data.


Numeric, threshold to use on the absolute value of genes/ transcripts' log2(fold-change). Only genes/transcripts with an absolute log2(fold-change) equal to or higher than this threshold will be retained. Ignored for GWAS_data and CAN_data.


A filtered tibble (of class GWAS_data_thr, DE_data_thr or CAN_data_thr).


x <- get_example_data()

## For GWAS results
apply_threshold(GWAS_data(x[["GWAS"]]), score_thr = 4)

## For DE results - in second line, no threshold is applied
## on the log2(fold-change)
apply_threshold(DE_data(x[["DE"]]), score_thr = -log10(0.05), log2fc_thr = 1)
apply_threshold(DE_data(x[["DE"]]), score_thr = -log10(0.05), log2fc_thr = 0)

## No effect on the Candidate genes

[Package hidecan version 1.1.0 Index]