The All-Configurations, Maximum-Interaction F-Test for Hidden Additivity

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Documentation for package ‘hiddenf’ version 2.0

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hiddenf-package Tests for nonadditivity using the hidden F test
additivityPvalues Non-additivity pvalues
anova anova function for the class 'HiddenF'
anova.HiddenF anova function for the class 'HiddenF'
Boik.mtx Multi-headed Machine Data
cjejuni.mtx Annual prevalence of C.jejuni strain of Campylobacter
cnv1.mtx Copy Number Dataset, Probe #1
cnvall.mtx Copy Number Variation
Graybill.mtx Wheat Yields
HiddenF Hidden F function for matrix data
KKSAPvalue Kharrati-Kopaei and Sadooghi-Alvandi's test for non-additivity
MalikPvalue Malik's test for non-additivity
MalikTab Malik's critical values
MandelPvalue Mandel's rows-linear test for non-additivity
plot Interaction plot
plot.HiddenF Interaction plot
print Printing hiddenf objects
print.HiddenF Printing hiddenf objects
summary Summary function for the class "HiddenF"
summary.HiddenF Summary function for the class "HiddenF"
TukeyPvalue Tukey's single degree of freedom test for nonadditivity