Compute Summary Measures of Health Inequality

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Documentation for package ‘healthequal’ version 1.0.0

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aci Absolute concentration index (ACI)
bgsd Between-group standard deviation (BGSD)
bgv Between-group variance (BGV)
covar Coefficient of variation (COV)
d Difference (D)
idisu Index of Disparity (unweighted) (IDISU)
idisw Index of Disparity (weighted) (IDISW)
IndividualSample World Health Organization (WHO)
mdbu Mean difference from the best-performing subgroup (unweighted) (MDBU)
mdbw Mean difference from the best-performing subgroup (weighted) (MDBW)
mdmu Mean difference from mean (unweighted) (MDMU)
mdmw Mean difference from mean (weighted) (MDMW)
mdru Mean difference from a reference subgroup (unweighted) (MDRU)
mdrw Mean difference from a reference subgroup (weighted) (MDRW)
mld Mean log deviation (MLD)
NonorderedSample World Health Organization (WHO)
NonorderedSampleMultipleind World Health Organization (WHO)
OrderedSample World Health Organization (WHO)
OrderedSampleMultipleind World Health Organization (WHO)
paf Population attributable fraction (PAF)
parisk Population attributable risk (PAR)
r Ratio (R)
rci Relative concentration index (RCI)
rii Relative index of inequality (RII)
sii Slope index of inequality (SII)
ti Theil Index (TI)