Using Historical Controls for Designing Phase II Clinical Trials

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Documentation for package ‘hctrial’ version 0.1.0

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hctrial-package hctrial: A package for designing phase 2 clinical trials adjusting for heterogeneous populations.
hctrial hctrial: A package for designing phase 2 clinical trials adjusting for heterogeneous populations.
hist_end Adjust a design based on historical controls at the end of the study using the covariate data of the patients accrued in stage 2.
hist_interim Adjust a design based on historical controls at interim using the covariate data of the patients accrued in stage 1.
hist_start Initializes a design based on historical controls before the start of the study.
strat_end Adjust a subspace stratified design at the end of the study.
strat_interim Adjust a subspace stratified design at interim.
strat_start Initializes a subspace stratified design before the start of the study.