bench {hbsae}R Documentation

Benchmark small area estimates.


Benchmark small area estimates to conform to given totals at aggregate levels.


bench(x, R, rhs, mseMethod = "no", Omega, Lambda)



sae object to be benchmarked. As an alternative, a list can be supplied with at least components Narea with area population sizes and est with small area estimates. In the latter case argument Omega cannot be left unspecified.


restriction matrix, M x r matrix where r is the number of restrictions and M the number of areas; default is a single constraint on the population total. Note that R acts on the vector of area totals, not the vector of means.


r-vector of benchmark totals corresponding to the restrictions represented by (the columns of) R.


if "no", MSEs are not updated, if "exact", constraints are treated as independent information (exact identities by default), and if "model", the squared differences between original and benchmarked estimates are added to the MSEs.


M x M matrix Ω\Omega in objective function, see details. By default this is the covariance matrix of the small area estimates.


r x r matrix Λ\Lambda in objective function, see details. By specifying Lambda it is possible to impose 'soft' constraints, i.e. constraints that need to hold only approximately.


This function adjusts the small area estimates EST(x), denoted by x0x_0, to

x1=x0+ΩRN(RNΩRN+Λ)1(tRNx0),x_1 = x_0 + \Omega R_N (R_N' \Omega R_N + \Lambda)^{-1} (t - R_N' x_0)\,,


The adjusted or benchmarked small area estimates minimize the expectation of the loss function

L(x1,θ)=(x1θ)Ω1(x1θ)+(RNx1t)Λ1(RNx1t)L(x_1, \theta) = (x_1 - \theta)' \Omega^{-1} (x_1 - \theta) + (R_N' x_1 - t)' \Lambda^{-1} (R_N' x_1 - t)

with respect to the posterior for the unknown small area means θ\theta.

Optionally, MSE(x) is updated as well. If mseMethod="exact" the covariance matrix is adjusted from V0V_0 to

V1=V0V0RN(RNΩRN+Λ)1RNV0,V_1 = V_0 - V_0 R_N (R_N' \Omega R_N + \Lambda)^{-1} R_N' V_0\,,

and if mseMethod is "model" the adjusted covariance matrix is

V1=V0+(x1x0)(x1x0).V_1 = V_0 + (x_1 - x_0) (x_1 - x_0)'\,.

The latter method treats the benchmark adjustments as incurring a bias relative to the best predictor under the model.


An object of class sae with adjusted estimates.


G.S. Datta, M. Ghosh, R. Steorts and J. Maples (2011). Bayesian benchmarking with applications to small area estimation. TEST 20(3), 574-588.

Y. You, J.N.K. Rao and P. Dick (2004). Benchmarking Hierarchical Bayes Small Area Estimators in the Canadian Census Undercoverage Estimation. Statistics in Transition 6(5), 631-640.

See Also



d <- generateFakeData()

# compute small area estimates
sae <- fSAE(y0 ~ x + area2, data=d$sam, area="area", popdata=d$Xpop)

# calibrate to overall population total
sae.c <- bench(sae, rhs=sum(d$mY0*sae$Narea))
plot(sae, sae.c)

[Package hbsae version 1.2 Index]