Hierarchical Bayesian Small Area Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘hbsae’ version 1.2

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hbsae-package A package for hierarchical Bayesian small area estimation.
aggr Compute aggregates of small area estimates and MSEs.
bench Benchmark small area estimates.
cAIC S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
coef.sae S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
COR S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
COV S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
CV S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
CVarea Compute area-level cross-validation measure for sae objects.
EST S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
fitted.sae S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
fSAE Fit a linear model with random area effects and compute small area estimates.
fSAE.Area Compute small area estimates based on the basic area-level model.
fSAE.Unit Compute small area estimates based on the basic unit-level model.
fSurvReg Compute small area estimates based on the survey regression estimator.
generateFakeData Generate artificial dataset for demonstration and testing purposes.
hbsae A package for hierarchical Bayesian small area estimation.
MSE S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
plot.sae Plot method for objects of class sae.
plot.weights Plot method for objects of class 'weights'.
print.sae Print method for objects of class sae.
R2 S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
raneff S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
raneff.se S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
relSE S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
residuals.sae S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
RMSE S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
sae-class S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
SE S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
se2 S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
summary.weights Summary method for objects of class 'weights'.
sv2 S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
synthetic S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
uweights Compute unit weights underlying the small area estimates or their aggregate.
vcov.sae S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.
wDirect S3 class for the fitted model and SAE outcomes.