hypoDat {hapassoc}R Documentation

Simulated data for a hypothetical binary trait


Simulated binary trait data used to illustrate the hapassoc package.




Matrix with columns:\

[,1] affected numeric affection status (1=yes, 0=no)
[,3] attr numeric simulated quantitative attribute
[,5] M1.1 numeric the first allele of hypothetical SNP M1
[,6] M1.2 numeric the second allele of hypothetical SNP M1
[,5] M2.1 numeric the first allele of hypothetical SNP M2
[,6] M2.2 numeric the second allele of hypothetical SNP M2
[,7] M3.1 numeric the first allele of hypothetical SNP M3
[,8] M3.2 numeric the second allele of hypotetical SNP M3

[Package hapassoc version 1.2-9 Index]