hmap.annotate {hamlet}R Documentation

Add a row and column annotations to a plot-region based heatmap built with 'hmap'


Annotation of rows or columns in a 'hmap'-plot. By default, rectangles aligned with either rows or columns are plotted to the right-side or lower-side of the heatmap respectively. User-specified customizations may be given to change these annotations in positioning or type.


hmap.annotate(h, rw, rw.n = length(unique(rw)), rw.col = rainbow(rw.n,
                 start = 0.05, end = 0.5), rw.wid, rw.hei, rw.pch,
                 rw.x = rep(min(h$rightlim), times =
                 length(h$rowtext$xseq)), rw.y = h$rowtext$yseq, rw.shift
                 = c(0.02, 0), cl, cl.n
                 = length(unique(cl)), cl.col = rainbow(cl.n, start =
                 0.55, end = 1), cl.wid, cl.hei, cl.pch, cl.x =
                 h$coltext$xseq, cl.y = rep(max(h$bottomlim), times =
                 length(h$coltext$yseq)), cl.shift = c(0, -0.02), ...)



The list of heatmap parameters returned invisibly by the original 'hmap'-call.


Annotation vector for rows 'r', each unique instance is given a different color (or pch) and plotted right-side of the corresponding heatmap rows


Number of unique colors (or pch) to give each annotated row


A vector for color values for unique instances in 'r' for annotating rows


The widths for annotation boxes for each row 'r'


The heights for annotation boxes for each row 'r'


Alternatively, instead of widths and heights user may specify a symbol 'pch' to use for annotating each row


The x-coordinate locations for the row annotations, by default right side of heatmap itself


The y-coordinate locations for the row annotations, by default same vertical locations as for the heatmap rows


Row annotation shift: a vector of 2 values, where first indicates the amount of x-axis shift desired and the second indicates the amount of y-axis shift


Annotation vector for columns 'r', each unique instance is given a different color (or pch) and plotted lower-side of the corresponding heatmap columns


Number of unique colors (or pch) to give each annotated column


A vector for color values for unique instances in 'c' for annotating columns


The widths for annotation boxes for each column 'c'


The heights for annotation boxes for each column 'c'


Alternatively, instead of widths and heights user may specify a symbol 'pch' to use for annotating each column


The x-coordinate locations for the column annotations, by default same horizontal locations as for the heatmap columns


The y-coordinate locations for the column annotations, by default lower side of heatmap itself


Column annotation shift: a vector of 2 values, where first indicates the amount of x-axis shift desired and the second indicates the amount of y-axis shift


Additional parameters supplied either to 'rect' or 'points' function if user desired rectangles or 'pch'-based points respectively


Teemu Daniel Laajala <>

See Also

heatmap hmap.key hmap


# Generate some data
r1 <- replicate(30, rnorm(20))
lab <- sample(letters[1:2], 20, replace=TRUE)
r1[lab==lab[1],] <- r1[lab==lab[1],] + 2
r2a <- replicate(10, rnorm(10))
r2b <- replicate(10, rnorm(10))

# Set up a new plot region, notice we have a 2-fold wider x-axis
plot.window(xlim=c(0,2), ylim=c(0,1))

# Plot an example plot along with the color key and annotations for our 'lab' vector
h1 <- hmap(r1, add = TRUE)
hmap.key(h1, x1=0.18)
hmap.annotate(h1, rw = lab, rw.wid=c(0.82,0.90))

# Plot the rest to show how the coordinates are adjusted to place the heatmap(s) differently
h2a <- hmap(r2a, add = TRUE, xlim=c(1.2, 1.8), leftlim=c(1.0, 1.2), 
	rightlim=c(1.8,2.0), ylim=c(0.6, 1.0), bottomlim=c(0.5,0.6), Colv=NA)
h2b <- hmap(r2b, add = TRUE, xlim=c(1.2, 1.8), leftlim=c(1.0, 1.2), 
	rightlim=c(1.8,2.0), ylim=c(0.1, 0.5), bottomlim=c(0.0,0.1), Colv=NA)

# Show the normal plot region axes 
axis(1, at=c(0.5,1.5), c("A", "B"))

[Package hamlet version 0.9.6 Index]