Genome-Wide Identity-by-Descent

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Documentation for package ‘gwid’ version 0.1.0

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build_gwas Open a SNP GDS file and extract information.
build_gwid Open a ibd file and extract information.
build_phase Read .vcf structured text format files and reduce the size of file.
case_control Reload saved case-control list file
extract Extract information from SNP GDS file.
extract.gwas Extract information from SNP GDS file.
extract.gwid Extract information from ibd data.
extract_window extract component of an object
extract_window.gwid Extract information from ibd data in a moving window
fisher_test Fisher test
fisher_test.gwas Fisher's Exact Test for gwas count data
fisher_test.gwid Fisher's Exact Test for gwid count data
fisher_test.result_snps fisher exact test for result_snps count data
gtest perform gtest
gtest.haplotype_structure Perform G-test on haplotype structures extracted from 'haplotype_structure' function
haplotype_frequency haplotype frequency
haplotype_frequency.haplotype_structure haplotype frequency in sliding windows
haplotype_structure haplotype structures in a window
haplotype_structure.gwas extract haplotype structures of individuals in a window
haplotype_structure.gwid extract haplotype structures of pairwise ibd samples in a window
mcnemar_test mcnemar test
mcnemar_test.result_snps mcnemar test
mcnemar_test_permut mcnemar permutation
mcnemar_test_permut.result_snps mcnemar permutation test
permutation_test permutation test
permutation_test.gwas Permutation test for gwas object
permutation_test.gwid permutation test for gwid count data
permutation_test.haplotype_structure Permutation test for 'haplotype_structure' object
plot.gwas Line plot of gwas objects
plot.gwid Line plot of gwid objects
plot.haplotype_frequency Line plot of haplotype_frequency object
plot.haplotype_structure_frequency Two type of line plots for haplotype_structure_frequency objects .
plot.result_snps Line plot of result_snps objects
plot.test_snps Line plot of test_snps objects
print print
print.gwas print gwas instants
roh runs of homozygosity
roh.phase runs of homozygosity
subset subset an object
subset.gwid subset gwid object based on snp position