Signal Processing

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Documentation for package ‘gsignal’ version 0.3-5

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-- A --

arburg Autoregressive model coefficients - Burg's method
Arma Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model
aryule Autoregressive model coefficients - Yule-Walker method
ar_psd Power spectrum of AR model
as.Arma Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model
as.Arma.Arma Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model
as.Arma.Ma Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model
as.Arma.Sos Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model
as.Arma.Zpg Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model
as.Sos Second-order sections
as.Sos.Arma Second-order sections
as.Sos.Ma Second-order sections
as.Sos.Sos Second-order sections
as.Sos.Zpg Second-order sections
as.Zpg Zero pole gain model
as.Zpg.Arma Zero pole gain model
as.Zpg.Ma Zero pole gain model
as.Zpg.Sos Zero pole gain model
as.Zpg.Zpg Zero pole gain model

-- B --

barthannwin Modified Bartlett-Hann window
bartlett Bartlett window
besselap Bessel analog low-pass filter prototype
besself Bessel analog filter design
bilinear Bilinear transformation
bilinear.Arma Bilinear transformation
bilinear.default Bilinear transformation
bilinear.Zpg Bilinear transformation
bitrevorder Permute input to bit-reversed order
blackman Blackman window
blackmanharris Blackman-Harris window
blackmannuttall Blackman-Nuttall window
bohmanwin Bohman window
boxcar Rectangular window
buffer Buffer signal vector into matrix of data segments
buttap Butterworth filter prototype
butter Butterworth filter design
butter.default Butterworth filter design
butter.FilterSpecs Butterworth filter design
buttord Butterworth filter order and cutoff frequency

-- C --

cceps Complex cepstral analysis
cconv Circular convolution
cheb Chebyshev polynomials
cheb1ap Chebyshev Type I filter prototype
cheb1ord Chebyshev Type I filter order
cheb2ap Chebyshev Type II filter prototype
cheb2ord Chebyshev Type II filter order
chebwin Chebyshev window
cheby1 Chebyshev Type I filter design
cheby1.default Chebyshev Type I filter design
cheby1.FilterSpecs Chebyshev Type I filter design
cheby2 Chebyshev Type II filter design
cheby2.default Chebyshev Type II filter design
cheby2.FilterSpecs Chebyshev Type II filter design
chirp Chirp signal
cl2bp Constrained L2 bandpass FIR filter design
clustersegment Cluster Segments
cmorwavf Complex Morlet Wavelet
cohere Magnitude-squared coherence
conv Convolution and polynomial multiplication
conv2 2-D convolution
convmtx Convolution matrix
cplxpair Complex conjugate pairs
cplxreal Sort complex conjugate pairs and real
cpsd Cross power spectral density
csd Cross power spectral density
czt Chirp Z-transform

-- D --

db2pow Power - decibel conversion
dct Discrete Cosine Transform
dct2 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform
dctmtx Discrete Cosine Transform Matrix
decimate Decrease sample rate
detrend Remove Polynomial Trend
dftmtx Discrete Fourier Transform Matrix
digitrevorder Permute input to digit-reversed order
diric Dirichlet function
downsample Decrease sample rate
dst Discrete Sine Transform
dwt 1-D Discrete Wavelet Transform

-- E --

ellip Elliptic filter design
ellip.default Elliptic filter design
ellip.FilterSpecs Elliptic filter design
ellipap Low-pass analog elliptic filter
ellipord Elliptic Filter Order

-- F --

fftconv FFT-based convolution
fftfilt FFT-based FIR filtering
fftfilt.default FFT-based FIR filtering
fftfilt.Ma FFT-based FIR filtering
fftshift Zero-frequency shift
fht Fast Hartley Transform
filter Filter a signal
filter.Arma Filter a signal
filter.default Filter a signal
filter.Ma Filter a signal
filter.sgolayFilter Savitzky-Golay filtering
filter.Sos Filter a signal
filter.Zpg Filter a signal
filter2 2-D digital filter
FilterSpecs Filter specifications
filter_zi Filter initial conditions
filter_zi.Arma Filter initial conditions
filter_zi.default Filter initial conditions
filter_zi.Ma Filter initial conditions
filter_zi.Sos Filter initial conditions
filter_zi.Zpg Filter a signal
filtfilt Zero-phase digital filtering
filtfilt.Arma Zero-phase digital filtering
filtfilt.default Zero-phase digital filtering
filtfilt.Ma Zero-phase digital filtering
filtfilt.Sos Zero-phase digital filtering
filtfilt.Zpg Zero-phase digital filtering
filtic Filter Initial Conditions
filtic.Arma Filter Initial Conditions
filtic.default Filter Initial Conditions
filtic.Ma Filter Initial Conditions
filtic.Sos Filter Initial Conditions
filtic.Zpg Filter Initial Conditions
findpeaks Find local extrema
fir1 Window-based FIR filter design
fir2 Frequency sampling-based FIR filter design
firls Least-squares linear-phase FIR filter design
flattopwin Flat top window
fracshift Fractional shift
freqs Frequency response of analog filters
freqs.Arma Frequency response of analog filters
freqs.default Frequency response of analog filters
freqs.Ma Frequency response of analog filters
freqs.Sos Frequency response of analog filters
freqs.Zpg Frequency response of analog filters
freqs_plot Plot frequency response
freqz Frequency response of digital filter
freqz.Arma Frequency response of digital filter
freqz.default Frequency response of digital filter
freqz.Ma Frequency response of digital filter
freqz.Sos Frequency response of digital filter
freqz.Zpg Frequency response of digital filter
freqz_plot Frequency response of digital filter
fwhm Full width at half maximum
fwht Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform

-- G --

gauspuls Gaussian-modulated sinusoidal RF pulse
gaussian Gaussian convolution window
gausswin Gaussian window
gmonopuls Gaussian monopulse
grpdelay Group delay
grpdelay.Arma Group delay
grpdelay.default Group delay
grpdelay.Ma Group delay
grpdelay.Sos Group delay
grpdelay.Zpg Group delay

-- H --

hamming Hamming window
hann Hann window
hanning Hann window
hilbert Hilbert transform

-- I --

idct Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
idct2 Inverse 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform
idst Inverse Discrete Sine Transform
ifft Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
ifftshift Inverse zero-frequency shift
ifht Fast Hartley Transform
ifwht Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform
iirlp2mb IIR lowpass filter to IIR multiband
iirlp2mb.Arma IIR lowpass filter to IIR multiband
iirlp2mb.default IIR lowpass filter to IIR multiband
iirlp2mb.Sos IIR lowpass filter to IIR multiband
iirlp2mb.Zpg IIR lowpass filter to IIR multiband
impinvar Impulse invariance method for A/D filter conversion
impinvar.Arma Impulse invariance method for A/D filter conversion
impinvar.default Impulse invariance method for A/D filter conversion
impz Impulse response of digital filter
impz.Arma Impulse response of digital filter
impz.default Impulse response of digital filter
impz.Ma Impulse response of digital filter
impz.Sos Impulse response of digital filter
impz.Zpg Impulse response of digital filter
imvfft Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
interp Interpolation
invfreq Inverse Frequency Response
invfreqs Inverse Frequency Response
invfreqz Inverse Frequency Response
invimpinvar Inverse impulse invariance method
invimpinvar.Arma Inverse impulse invariance method
invimpinvar.default Inverse impulse invariance method

-- K --

kaiser Kaiser window
kaiserord Kaiser filter order and cutoff frequency

-- L --

levinson Durbin-Levinson Recursion

-- M --

Ma Moving average (MA) model
marcumq Marcum Q function
medfilt1 1-D median filtering
mexihat Mexicat Hat
meyeraux Meyer wavelet auxiliary function
morlet Morlet Wavelet
movingrms Moving Root Mean Square
mpoles Multiplicity of poles
mscohere Magnitude-squared coherence

-- N --

ncauer ncauer analog filter design
nuttallwin Nuttall-defined minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window

-- P --

pad Pad data
parzenwin Parzen (de la Vallée Poussin) window
pburg Autoregressive PSD estimate - Burg's method
peak2peak Maximum-to-minimum difference
peak2rms Peak-magnitude-to-RMS ratio
pei_tseng_notch Pei-Tseng notch filter
plot.ar_psd Power spectrum of AR model
plot.grpdelay Group delay
plot.pwelch Welch’s power spectral density estimate
plot.specgram Spectrogram
poly Polynomial with specified roots
polyreduce Reduce polynomial
polystab Stabilize polynomial
postpad Pad data
pow2db Power - decibel conversion
prepad Pad data
primitive Primitive
print.ar_psd Power spectrum of AR model
print.freqz Frequency response of digital filter
print.grpdelay Group delay
print.impz Impulse response of digital filter
print.pwelch Welch’s power spectral density estimate
print.specgram Spectrogram
print.summary.freqz Frequency response of digital filter
pulstran Pulse train
pwelch Welch’s power spectral density estimate
pyulear Autoregressive PSD estimate - Yule-Walker method

-- Q --

qp_kaiser Kaiser FIR filter design

-- R --

rceps Real cepstrum
rectpuls Rectangular pulse
rectwin Rectangular window
remez Parks-McClellan optimal FIR filter design
resample Change sampling rate
residue Partial fraction expansion
residued delayed z-transform partial fraction expansion
residuez Z-transform partial fraction expansion
rms Root-mean-square
rresidue Partial fraction expansion
rssq Root-sum-of-squares

-- S --

sampled2continuous Signal reconstruction
sawtooth Sawtooth or triangle wave
schtrig Schmitt Trigger
sftrans Transform filter band edges
sftrans.Arma Transform filter band edges
sftrans.default Transform filter band edges
sftrans.Zpg Transform filter band edges
sgolay Savitzky-Golay filter design
sgolayfilt Savitzky-Golay filtering
shanwavf Complex Shannon Wavelet
shiftdata Shift data to operate on specified dimension
sigmoid_train Sigmoid Train
signals signals
sinetone Sine tone
sinewave Sine wave
Sos Second-order sections
sos2tf Sos to transfer function
sos2zp Sos to zero-pole-gain
sosfilt Second-order sections filtering
specgram Spectrogram
square Square wave
stft Short-Term Fourier Transform
summary.freqz Frequency response of digital filter

-- T --

tf2sos Transfer function to second-order sections form
tf2zp Transfer function to zero-pole-gain form
tfe Transfer Function Estimate
tfestimate Transfer Function Estimate
triang Triangular window
tripuls Sampled aperiodic triangle
tukeywin Tukey (tapered cosine) window

-- U --

udecode Uniform decoder
uencode Uniform encoder
ultrwin Ultraspherical window
unshiftdata Inverse of shiftdata
unwrap Unwrap phase angles
upfirdn Upsample, apply FIR filter, downsample
upsample Increase sample rate
upsamplefill Upsample and Fill

-- W --

wconv 1-D or 2-D convolution
welchwin Welch window
wfilters 1-D Discrete Wavelet Transform
wkeep Keep part of vector or matrix

-- X --

xcorr Cross-correlation
xcorr2 2-D cross-correlation
xcov Cross-covariance

-- Z --

zerocrossing Zero Crossing
zp2sos Zero-pole-gain to second-order section format
zp2tf Zero-pole-gain to transfer function
Zpg Zero pole gain model
zplane Zero-pole plot
zplane.Arma Zero-pole plot
zplane.default Zero-pole plot
zplane.Ma Zero-pole plot
zplane.Sos Zero-pole plot
zplane.Zpg Zero-pole plot