collapse_groups_by {groupdata2}R Documentation

Collapse groups balanced by a single attribute



Collapses a set of groups into a smaller set of groups.

Balance the new groups by:

These functions wrap collapse_groups() to provide a simpler interface. To balance more than one of the attributes at a time and/or create multiple new unique grouping columns at once, use collapse_groups() directly.

While, on average, the balancing work better than without, this is not guaranteed on every run. `auto_tune` (enabled by default) can yield a much better overall balance than without in most contexts. This generates a larger set of group columns using all combinations of the balancing columns and selects the most balanced group column(s). This is slower and can be speeded up by enabling parallelization (see `parallel`).

Tip: When speed is more important than balancing, disable `auto_tune`.

Tip: Check the balances of the new groups with summarize_balances() and ranked_balances().

Note: The categorical and ID balancing algorithms are different to those in fold() and partition().


  auto_tune = TRUE,
  method = "balance",
  col_name = ".coll_groups",
  parallel = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE

  balance_size = FALSE,
  auto_tune = TRUE,
  method = "balance",
  group_aggregation_fn = mean,
  col_name = ".coll_groups",
  parallel = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE

  cat_levels = NULL,
  balance_size = FALSE,
  auto_tune = TRUE,
  method = "balance",
  col_name = ".coll_groups",
  parallel = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE

  balance_size = FALSE,
  auto_tune = TRUE,
  method = "balance",
  col_name = ".coll_groups",
  parallel = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE



data.frame. Can be grouped, in which case the function is applied group-wise.


Number of new groups.


Names of factors in `data` for identifying the existing groups that should be collapsed.

Multiple names are treated as in dplyr::group_by() (i.e., a hierarchy of groups), where each leaf group within each parent group is considered a unique group to be collapsed. Parent groups are not considered during collapsing, why leaf groups from different parent groups can be collapsed together.

Note: Do not confuse these group columns with potential columns that `data` is grouped by. `group_cols` identifies the groups to be collapsed. When `data` is grouped with dplyr::group_by(), the function is applied separately to each of those subsets.


Whether to create a larger set of collapsed group columns from all combinations of the balancing dimensions and select the overall most balanced group column(s).

This tends to create much more balanced collapsed group columns.

Can be slow, why we recommend enabling parallelization (see `parallel`).


"balance", "ascending", or "descending".

  • "balance" balances the attribute between the groups.

  • "ascending" orders by the attribute and groups from the lowest to highest value.

  • "descending" orders by the attribute and groups from the highest to lowest value.


Name of the new group column. When creating multiple new group columns (`num_new_group_cols`>1), this is the prefix for the names, which will be suffixed with an underscore and a number (_1, _2, _3, etc.).


Whether to parallelize the group column comparisons when `auto_tune` is enabled.

Requires a registered parallel backend. Like doParallel::registerDoParallel.


Whether to print information about the process. May make the function slightly slower.

N.B. Currently only used during auto-tuning.


Names of numerical columns to balance between groups.


Whether to balance the size of the collapsed groups. (logical)


Function for aggregating values in the `num_cols` columns for each group in `group_cols`.

Default is mean(), where the average value(s) are balanced across the new groups.

When using sum(), the groups will have similar sums across the new groups.

N.B. Only used when `num_cols` is specified.


Names of categorical columns to balance the average frequency of one or more levels of.


Names of the levels in the `cat_cols` columns to balance the average frequencies of. When `NULL` (default), all levels are balanced. Can be weights indicating the balancing importance of each level (within each column).

The weights are automatically scaled to sum to 1.

Can be ".minority" or ".majority", in which case the minority/majority level are found and used.

When `cat_cols` has single column name:

Either a vector with level names or a named numeric vector with weights:

E.g. c("dog", "pidgeon", "mouse") or c("dog" = 5, "pidgeon" = 1, "mouse" = 3)

When `cat_cols` has multiple column names:

A named list with vectors for each column name in `cat_cols`. When not providing a vector for a `cat_cols` column, all levels are balanced in that column.

E.g. list("col1" = c("dog" = 5, "pidgeon" = 1, "mouse" = 3), "col2" = c("hydrated", "dehydrated")).


Names of factor columns with IDs to balance the counts of between groups.

E.g. useful to get a similar number of participants in each group.


See details in collapse_groups().


`data` with a new grouping factor column.


Ludvig Renbo Olsen,

See Also

Other grouping functions: all_groups_identical(), collapse_groups(), fold(), group_factor(), group(), partition(), splt()


# Attach packages

# Set seed
if (requireNamespace("xpectr", quietly = TRUE)){

# Create data frame
df <- data.frame(
  "participant" = factor(rep(1:20, 3)),
  "age" = rep(sample(c(1:100), 20), 3),
  "answer" = factor(sample(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), 60, replace = TRUE)),
  "score" = sample(c(1:100), 20 * 3)
df <- df %>% dplyr::arrange(participant)
df$session <- rep(c("1", "2", "3"), 20)

# Sample rows to get unequal sizes per participant
df <- dplyr::sample_n(df, size = 53)

# Create the initial groups (to be collapsed)
df <- fold(
  data = df,
  k = 8,
  method = "n_dist",
  id_col = "participant"

# Ungroup the data frame
# Otherwise `collapse_groups*()` would be
# applied to each fold separately!
df <- dplyr::ungroup(df)

# When `auto_tune` is enabled for larger datasets
# we recommend enabling parallelization
# This can be done with:
# library(doParallel)
# doParallel::registerDoParallel(7) # use 7 cores

## Not run: 

# Collapse to 3 groups with size balancing
# Creates new `.coll_groups` column
df_coll <- collapse_groups_by_size(
  data = df,
  n = 3,
  group_cols = ".folds"

# Check balances
(coll_summary <- summarize_balances(
  data = df_coll,
  group_cols = ".coll_groups"

# Get ranked balances
# This is most useful when having created multiple
# new group columns with `collapse_groups()`
# The scores are standard deviations across groups

# Collapse to 3 groups with *categorical* balancing
df_coll <- collapse_groups_by_levels(
  data = df,
  n = 3,
  group_cols = ".folds",
  cat_cols = "answer"

# Check balances
(coll_summary <- summarize_balances(
  data = df_coll,
  group_cols = ".coll_groups",
  cat_cols = 'answer'

# Collapse to 3 groups with *numerical* balancing
# Also balance size to get similar sums
# as well as means
df_coll <- collapse_groups_by_numeric(
  data = df,
  n = 3,
  group_cols = ".folds",
  num_cols = "score",
  balance_size = TRUE

# Check balances
(coll_summary <- summarize_balances(
  data = df_coll,
  group_cols = ".coll_groups",
  num_cols = 'score'

# Collapse to 3 groups with *ID* balancing
# This should give us a similar number of IDs per group
df_coll <- collapse_groups_by_ids(
  data = df,
  n = 3,
  group_cols = ".folds",
  id_cols = "participant"

# Check balances
(coll_summary <- summarize_balances(
  data = df_coll,
  group_cols = ".coll_groups",
  id_cols = 'participant'

# Collapse to 3 groups with balancing of ALL attributes
# We create 5 new grouping factors and compare them
# The latter is in-general a good strategy even if you
# only need a single collapsed grouping factor
# as you can choose your preferred balances
# based on the summary
# NOTE: This is slow (up to a few minutes)
# consider enabling parallelization
df_coll <- collapse_groups(
  data = df,
  n = 3,
  num_new_group_cols = 5,
  group_cols = ".folds",
  cat_cols = "answer",
  num_cols = 'score',
  id_cols = "participant",
  auto_tune = TRUE   # Disabled by default in `collapse_groups()`
  # parallel = TRUE  # Add comma above and uncomment

# Check balances
(coll_summary <- summarize_balances(
  data = df_coll,
  group_cols = paste0(".coll_groups_", 1:5),
  cat_cols = "answer",
  num_cols = 'score',
  id_cols = 'participant'

# Compare the new grouping columns
# The lowest across-group standard deviation
# is the most balanced

## End(Not run)

[Package groupdata2 version 2.0.3 Index]