%primes% |
Find remainder from 'primes' method |
%staircase% |
Find remainder from 'staircase' method |
all_groups_identical |
Test if two grouping factors contain the same groups |
balance |
Balance groups by up- and downsampling |
binning |
Create groups from your data |
collapse_groups |
Collapse groups with categorical, numerical, ID, and size balancing |
collapse_groups_by |
Collapse groups balanced by a single attribute |
collapse_groups_by_ids |
Collapse groups balanced by a single attribute |
collapse_groups_by_levels |
Collapse groups balanced by a single attribute |
collapse_groups_by_numeric |
Collapse groups balanced by a single attribute |
collapse_groups_by_size |
Collapse groups balanced by a single attribute |
create_balanced_groups |
Create balanced folds for cross-validation |
differs_from_previous |
Find values in a vector that differ from the previous value |
downsample |
Downsampling of rows in a data frame |
find_missing_starts |
Find start positions that cannot be found in ''data'' |
find_starts |
Find start positions of groups in data |
fold |
Create balanced folds for cross-validation |
group |
Create groups from your data |
groupdata2 |
groupdata2: A package for creating groups from data |
group_factor |
Create grouping factor for subsetting your data |
not_previous |
Find values in a vector that differ from the previous value |
partition |
Create balanced partitions |
primes |
Find remainder from 'primes' method |
ranked_balances |
Extract ranked standard deviations from summary |
split |
Create groups from your data |
splt |
Split data by a range of methods |
staircase |
Find remainder from 'staircase' method |
summarize_balances |
Summarize group balances |
summarize_group_cols |
Summarize group columns |
upsample |
Upsampling of rows in a data frame |
window |
Create groups from your data |