add_confint | Add a confidence interval to an existing object |
add_confint.default | Add a confidence interval to an existing object |
add_confint.parametric_effects | Add a confidence interval to an existing object |
add_confint.smooth_estimates | Add a confidence interval to an existing object |
add_constant | Add a constant to estimated values |
add_constant.evaluated_parametric_term | Add a constant to estimated values |
add_constant.mgcv_smooth | Add a constant to estimated values |
add_constant.parametric_effects | Add a constant to estimated values |
add_constant.smooth_estimates | Add a constant to estimated values |
add_constant.smooth_samples | Add a constant to estimated values |
add_constant.tbl_df | Add a constant to estimated values |
add_fitted | Add fitted values from a model to a data frame |
add_fitted.gam | Add fitted values from a GAM to a data frame |
add_fitted_samples | Add posterior draws from a model to a data object |
add_partial_residuals | Add partial residuals |
add_partial_residuals.gam | Add partial residuals |
add_posterior_samples | Add posterior draws from a model to a data object |
add_predicted_samples | Add posterior draws from a model to a data object |
add_residuals | Add residuals from a model to a data frame |
add_residuals.gam | Add residuals from a GAM to a data frame |
add_sizer | Add indicators of significant change after SiZeR |
add_sizer.derivatives | Add indicators of significant change after SiZeR |
add_sizer.smooth_estimates | Add indicators of significant change after SiZeR |
add_smooth_samples | Add posterior draws from a model to a data object |
appraise | Model diagnostic plots |
appraise.gam | Model diagnostic plots |
appraise.lm | Model diagnostic plots |
basis | Basis expansions for smooths |
basis.default | Basis expansions for smooths |
basis.gam | Basis expansions for smooths |
basis.gamm | Basis expansions for smooths |
basis.list | Basis expansions for smooths |
basis.scam | Basis expansions for smooths |
basis_size | Extract basis dimension of a smooth |
basis_size.gam | Extract basis dimension of a smooth |
basis_size.gamm | Extract basis dimension of a smooth |
basis_size.mgcv.smooth | Extract basis dimension of a smooth |
bird_move | Simulated bird migration data |
boundary | Extract the boundary of a soap film smooth |
boundary.gam | Extract the boundary of a soap film smooth |
boundary.soap.film | Extract the boundary of a soap film smooth |
by_level | Tests for by variable smooths |
by_variable | Tests for by variable smooths |
check_is_mgcv_smooth | Check if objects are smooths or are a particular type of smooth |
check_user_select_smooths | Select smooths based on user's choices |
coef.scam | Extract coefficients from a fitted 'scam' model. |
compare_smooths | Compare smooths across models |
concrvity | Concurvity of an estimated GAM |
confint.fderiv | Point-wise and simultaneous confidence intervals for derivatives of smooths |
confint.gam | Point-wise and simultaneous confidence intervals for smooths |
confint.gamm | Point-wise and simultaneous confidence intervals for smooths |
confint.list | Point-wise and simultaneous confidence intervals for smooths |
data_combos | All combinations of factor levels plus typical values of continuous variables |
data_combos.gam | All combinations of factor levels plus typical values of continuous variables |
data_sim | Simulate example data for fitting GAMs |
data_slice | Prepare a data slice through model covariates |
data_slice.data.frame | Prepare a data slice through model covariates |
data_slice.default | Prepare a data slice through model covariates |
data_slice.gam | Prepare a data slice through model covariates |
data_slice.gamm | Prepare a data slice through model covariates |
data_slice.list | Prepare a data slice through model covariates |
data_slice.scam | Prepare a data slice through model covariates |
derivatives | Derivatives of estimated smooths via finite differences |
derivatives.default | Derivatives of estimated smooths via finite differences |
derivatives.gam | Derivatives of estimated smooths via finite differences |
derivatives.gamm | Derivatives of estimated smooths via finite differences |
derivative_samples | Posterior expectations of derivatives from an estimated model |
derivative_samples.default | Posterior expectations of derivatives from an estimated model |
derivative_samples.gam | Posterior expectations of derivatives from an estimated model |
derivative_samples.gamm | Posterior expectations of derivatives from an estimated model |
difference_smooths | Differences of factor smooth interactions |
difference_smooths.gam | Differences of factor smooth interactions |
draw | Generic plotting via 'ggplot2' |
draw.basis | Plot basis functions |
draw.compare_smooths | Plot comparisons of smooths |
draw.derivatives | Plot derivatives of smooths |
draw.difference_smooth | Plot differences of smooths |
draw.evaluated_parametric_term | Plot estimated parametric effects |
draw.gam | Plot estimated smooths from a fitted GAM |
draw.gamlss | Plot smooths of a GAMLSS model estimated by 'GJRM::gamlss' |
draw.mgcv_smooth | Plot basis functions |
draw.overall_concurvity | Plot concurvity measures |
draw.pairwise_concurvity | Plot concurvity measures |
draw.parametric_effects | Plot estimated effects for model parametric terms |
draw.partial_derivatives | Plot derivatives of smooths |
draw.penalty_df | Display penalty matrices of smooths using 'ggplot' |
draw.rootogram | Draw a rootogram |
draw.smooth_estimates | Plot the result of a call to 'smooth_estimates()' |
draw.smooth_samples | Plot posterior smooths |
edf | Effective degrees of freedom for smooths and GAMs |
edf.gam | Effective degrees of freedom for smooths and GAMs |
evaluate_parametric_term | Evaluate parametric model terms |
evaluate_parametric_term.gam | Evaluate parametric model terms |
evaluate_smooth | Evaluate a smooth |
eval_smooth | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
eval_smooth.fs.interaction | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
eval_smooth.mgcv.smooth | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
eval_smooth.mrf.smooth | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
eval_smooth.random.effect | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
eval_smooth.scam_smooth | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
eval_smooth.soap.film | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
eval_smooth.sz.interaction | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
eval_smooth.t2.smooth | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
eval_smooth.tensor.smooth | S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths |
evenly | Create a sequence of evenly-spaced values |
extract_link | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
extract_link.family | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
extract_link.general.family | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
factor_combos | All combinations of factor levels |
factor_combos.gam | All combinations of factor levels |
family.bam | Extract family objects from models |
family.gam | Extract family objects from models |
family.gamm | Extract family objects from models |
family.list | Extract family objects from models |
family_name | Name of family used to fit model |
family_type | Extracts the type of family in a consistent way |
family_type.default | Extracts the type of family in a consistent way |
family_type.family | Extracts the type of family in a consistent way |
fitted_samples | Draw fitted values from the posterior distribution |
fitted_samples.gam | Draw fitted values from the posterior distribution |
fitted_values | Generate fitted values from a estimated GAM |
fitted_values.gam | Generate fitted values from a estimated GAM |
fitted_values.gamm | Generate fitted values from a estimated GAM |
fitted_values.scam | Generate fitted values from a estimated GAM |
fixed_effects | Extract fixed effects estimates from a fitted GAM |
fixed_effects.default | Extract fixed effects estimates from a fitted GAM |
fixef | Extract fixed effects estimates |
fixef.gam | Extract fixed effects estimates from a fitted GAM |
fixef.gamm | Extract fixed effects estimates from a fitted GAM |
fixef.glm | Extract fixed effects estimates from a fitted GAM |
fixef.lm | Extract fixed effects estimates from a fitted GAM |
fix_offset | Fix the names of a data frame containing an offset variable. |
gaussian_draws | Posterior samples using a simple Metropolis Hastings sampler |
gaussian_draws.gam | Posterior samples using a simple Metropolis Hastings sampler |
gaussian_draws.scam | Posterior samples using a simple Metropolis Hastings sampler |
generate_draws | Low-level Functions to generate draws from the posterior distribution of model coefficients |
generate_draws.gam | Low-level Functions to generate draws from the posterior distribution of model coefficients |
get_by_smooth | Extract an factor-by smooth by name |
get_smooth | Extract an mgcv smooth by name |
get_smooths_by_id | Extract an mgcv smooth given its position in the model object |
get_smooths_by_id.gam | Extract an mgcv smooth given its position in the model object |
get_smooths_by_id.gamm | Extract an mgcv smooth given its position in the model object |
get_smooths_by_id.gamm4 | Extract an mgcv smooth given its position in the model object |
get_smooths_by_id.list | Extract an mgcv smooth given its position in the model object |
get_smooths_by_id.scam | Extract an mgcv smooth given its position in the model object |
gss_vocab | Data from the General Social Survey (GSS) from the National Opinion Research Center of the University of Chicago |
gw_f0 | Gu and Wabha test functions |
gw_f1 | Gu and Wabha test functions |
gw_f2 | Gu and Wabha test functions |
gw_f3 | Gu and Wabha test functions |
gw_functions | Gu and Wabha test functions |
has_theta | Are additional parameters available for a GAM? |
inv_link | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
inv_link.bam | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
inv_link.family | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
inv_link.gam | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
inv_link.gamm | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
inv_link.glm | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
inv_link.list | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
is_by_smooth | Tests for by variable smooths |
is_continuous_by_smooth | Tests for by variable smooths |
is_factor_by_smooth | Tests for by variable smooths |
is_factor_term | Is a model term a factor (categorical)? |
is_factor_term.bam | Is a model term a factor (categorical)? |
is_factor_term.gam | Is a model term a factor (categorical)? |
is_factor_term.gamm | Is a model term a factor (categorical)? |
is_factor_term.list | Is a model term a factor (categorical)? |
is_factor_term.terms | Is a model term a factor (categorical)? |
is_mgcv_smooth | Check if objects are smooths or are a particular type of smooth |
is_mrf_smooth | Check if objects are smooths or are a particular type of smooth |
is_offset | Is a model term an offset? |
level | Return the reference or specific level of a factor |
link | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
link.bam | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
link.family | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
link.gam | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
link.gamm | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
link.glm | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
link.list | Extract link and inverse link functions from models |
load_mgcv | Load mgcv quietly |
lp_matrix | Return the linear prediction matrix of a fitted GAM |
lp_matrix.gam | Return the linear prediction matrix of a fitted GAM |
mh_draws | Posterior samples using a Gaussian approximation to the posterior distribution |
mh_draws.gam | Posterior samples using a Gaussian approximation to the posterior distribution |
model_concurvity | Concurvity of an estimated GAM |
model_concurvity.gam | Concurvity of an estimated GAM |
model_constant | Extract the model constant term |
model_edf | Effective degrees of freedom for smooths and GAMs |
model_vars | List the variables involved in a model fitted with a formula |
model_vars.bam | List the variables involved in a model fitted with a formula |
model_vars.default | List the variables involved in a model fitted with a formula |
model_vars.gam | List the variables involved in a model fitted with a formula |
model_vars.gamm | List the variables involved in a model fitted with a formula |
model_vars.gamm4 | List the variables involved in a model fitted with a formula |
model_vars.list | List the variables involved in a model fitted with a formula |
nb_theta | Negative binomial parameter theta |
nb_theta.gam | Negative binomial parameter theta |
null_deviance | Extract the null deviance of a fitted model |
null_deviance.default | Extract the null deviance of a fitted model |
n_smooths | How many smooths in a fitted model |
n_smooths.bam | How many smooths in a fitted model |
n_smooths.default | How many smooths in a fitted model |
n_smooths.gam | How many smooths in a fitted model |
n_smooths.gamm | How many smooths in a fitted model |
observed_fitted_plot | Plot of fitted against observed response values |
overview | Provides an overview of a model and the terms in that model |
overview.gam | Provides an overview of a model and the terms in that model |
parametric_effects | Estimated values for parametric model terms |
parametric_effects.gam | Estimated values for parametric model terms |
parametric_terms | Names of any parametric terms in a GAM |
parametric_terms.default | Names of any parametric terms in a GAM |
parametric_terms.gam | Names of any parametric terms in a GAM |
partial_derivatives | Partial derivatives of estimated multivariate smooths via finite differences |
partial_derivatives.default | Partial derivatives of estimated multivariate smooths via finite differences |
partial_derivatives.gam | Partial derivatives of estimated multivariate smooths via finite differences |
partial_derivatives.gamm | Partial derivatives of estimated multivariate smooths via finite differences |
partial_residuals | Partial residuals |
partial_residuals.gam | Partial residuals |
penalty | Extract and tidy penalty matrices |
penalty.default | Extract and tidy penalty matrices |
penalty.gam | Extract and tidy penalty matrices |
penalty.mgcv.smooth | Extract and tidy penalty matrices |
penalty.re.smooth.spec | Extract and tidy penalty matrices |
penalty.t2.smooth | Extract and tidy penalty matrices |
penalty.tensor.smooth | Extract and tidy penalty matrices |
posterior_samples | Draw samples from the posterior distribution of an estimated model |
posterior_samples.gam | Draw samples from the posterior distribution of an estimated model |
post_draws | Low-level Functions to generate draws from the posterior distribution of model coefficients |
post_draws.default | Low-level Functions to generate draws from the posterior distribution of model coefficients |
predicted_samples | Draw new response values from the conditional distribution of the response |
predicted_samples.gam | Draw new response values from the conditional distribution of the response |
qq_plot | Quantile-quantile plot of model residuals |
qq_plot.default | Quantile-quantile plot of model residuals |
qq_plot.gam | Quantile-quantile plot of model residuals |
qq_plot.glm | Quantile-quantile plot of model residuals |
qq_plot.lm | Quantile-quantile plot of model residuals |
ref_level | Return the reference or specific level of a factor |
ref_sims | Reference simulation data |
rep_first_factor_value | Repeat the first level of a factor n times |
residuals_hist_plot | Histogram of model residuals |
residuals_linpred_plot | Plot of residuals versus linear predictor values |
response_derivatives | Derivatives on the response scale from an estimated GAM |
response_derivatives.default | Derivatives on the response scale from an estimated GAM |
response_derivatives.gam | Derivatives on the response scale from an estimated GAM |
response_derivatives.gamm | Derivatives on the response scale from an estimated GAM |
rootogram | Rootograms to assess goodness of model fit |
rootogram.gam | Rootograms to assess goodness of model fit |
seq_min_max | Create a sequence of evenly-spaced values |
seq_min_max_eps | Create a sequence of evenly-spaced values adjusted to accommodate a small adjustment |
shift_values | Shift numeric values in a data frame by an amount 'eps' |
simulate.gam | Simulate from the posterior distribution of a GAM |
simulate.gamm | Simulate from the posterior distribution of a GAM |
simulate.scam | Simulate from the posterior distribution of a GAM |
smallAges | Lead-210 age-depth measurements for Small Water |
smooths | Names of smooths in a GAM |
smooths.default | Names of smooths in a GAM |
smooths.gamm | Names of smooths in a GAM |
smooth_coefs | Coefficients for a particular smooth |
smooth_coefs.bam | Coefficients for a particular smooth |
smooth_coefs.gam | Coefficients for a particular smooth |
smooth_coefs.gamm | Coefficients for a particular smooth |
smooth_coefs.gamm4 | Coefficients for a particular smooth |
smooth_coefs.list | Coefficients for a particular smooth |
smooth_coefs.mgcv.smooth | Coefficients for a particular smooth |
smooth_coefs.scam | Coefficients for a particular smooth |
smooth_coef_indices | Indices of the parametric terms for a particular smooth |
smooth_data | Generate regular data over the covariates of a smooth |
smooth_dim | Dimension of a smooth |
smooth_dim.gam | Dimension of a smooth |
smooth_dim.gamm | Dimension of a smooth |
smooth_dim.mgcv.smooth | Dimension of a smooth |
smooth_estimates | Evaluate smooths at covariate values |
smooth_estimates.gam | Evaluate smooths at covariate values |
smooth_label | Extract the label for a smooth used by 'mgcv' |
smooth_label.gam | Extract the label for a smooth used by 'mgcv' |
smooth_label.mgcv.smooth | Extract the label for a smooth used by 'mgcv' |
smooth_samples | Posterior draws for individual smooths |
smooth_samples.gam | Posterior draws for individual smooths |
smooth_terms | List the variables involved in smooths |
smooth_type | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.Bspline.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.cp.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.cr.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.cs.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.cv.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.cx.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.cyclic.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.default | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.duchon.spline | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.fs.interaction | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.gp.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.mdcv.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.mdcx.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.micv.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.micx.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.mifo.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.miso.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.mpd.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.mpi.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.mrf.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.pspline.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.random.effect | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.sf | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.soap.film | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.sos.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.sw | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.sz.interaction | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.t2.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.tensor.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.tprs.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
smooth_type.ts.smooth | Determine the type of smooth and return it n a human readable form |
spline_values | Evaluate a spline at provided covariate values |
stop_if_not_mgcv_smooth | Check if objects are smooths or are a particular type of smooth |
term_names | Extract names of all variables needed to fit a GAM or a smooth |
term_names.gam | Extract names of all variables needed to fit a GAM or a smooth |
term_names.gamm | Extract names of all variables needed to fit a GAM or a smooth |
term_names.mgcv.smooth | Extract names of all variables needed to fit a GAM or a smooth |
term_variables | Names of variables involved in a specified model term |
term_variables.bam | Names of variables involved in a specified model term |
term_variables.gam | Names of variables involved in a specified model term |
term_variables.terms | Names of variables involved in a specified model term |
theta | General extractor for additional parameters in mgcv models |
theta.gam | General extractor for additional parameters in mgcv models |
tidy_basis | A tidy basis representation of a smooth object |
too_far | Exclude values that lie too far from the support of data |
too_far_to_na | Set rows of data to 'NA' if the lie too far from a reference set of values |
to_na | Sets the elements of vector to 'NA' |
transform_fun | Transform estimated values and confidence intervals by applying a function |
transform_fun.evaluated_parametric_term | Transform estimated values and confidence intervals by applying a function |
transform_fun.mgcv_smooth | Transform estimated values and confidence intervals by applying a function |
transform_fun.parametric_effects | Transform estimated values and confidence intervals by applying a function |
transform_fun.smooth_estimates | Transform estimated values and confidence intervals by applying a function |
transform_fun.smooth_samples | Transform estimated values and confidence intervals by applying a function |
transform_fun.tbl_df | Transform estimated values and confidence intervals by applying a function |
typical_values | Typical values of model covariates |
typical_values.data.frame | Typical values of model covariates |
typical_values.gam | Typical values of model covariates |
user_draws | Handle user-supplied posterior draws |
variance_comp | Variance components of smooths from smoothness estimates |
variance_comp.gam | Variance components of smooths from smoothness estimates |
vars_from_label | Returns names of variables from a smooth label |
which_smooths | Identify a smooth term by its label |
which_smooths.bam | Identify a smooth term by its label |
which_smooths.default | Identify a smooth term by its label |
which_smooths.gam | Identify a smooth term by its label |
which_smooths.gamm | Identify a smooth term by its label |
worm_plot | Worm plot of model residuals |
worm_plot.gam | Worm plot of model residuals |
worm_plot.glm | Worm plot of model residuals |
worm_plot.lm | Worm plot of model residuals |
zooplankton | Madison lakes zooplankton data |