Algorithms for the Subject Graphs and Network Optimization

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Documentation for package ‘gor’ version 1.0

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apply_incidence_map Apply incidence map of a graph to an edge vector
bfs_tree Breadth-first search tree
build_cover_approx 2-approximation algorithm for vertex cover
build_cover_greedy Greedy algorithm for vertex cover in a graph
build_cover_random Random vertex covers
build_cut_greedy Greedy algorithm aimed to build a large weight cut in a graph
build_cut_random Random cut generation on a graph
build_tour_2tree Double-tree heuristic for TSP
build_tour_greedy Building a tour for a TSP using the greedy heuristic
build_tour_nn Building a tour for a TSP using the nearest neighbor heuristic
build_tour_nn_best Build a tour for a TSP using the best nearest neighbor heuristic
color_graph_greedy Greedy coloring of a graph
compute_cut_weight Compute cut weight and size
compute_distance_matrix p-distance matrix computation
compute_gain_transp Distance gain when transposing two cities in a tour
compute_lower_bound_1tree Computing the 1-tree lower bound for a TSP instance
compute_lower_bound_HK Held-Karp lower bound estimate
compute_path_distance Compute the distance of a TSP path
compute_p_distance Distance-p between two-dimensional points
compute_tour_distance Compute the distance of a TSP tour
crossover_sequences Crossover of sequences
crossover_tours Crossover operation used by the TSP genetic algorithm
dfs_tree Depth-first search tree
dijk Dijkstra' algorithm for shortest paths
find_cover_BB Branch-and-Bound algorithm for the Vertex-Cover problem
find_euler Constructing an Eulerian Cycle
find_tour_BB Branch-and-Bound algorithm for the TSP
gauge_tour Gauging a tour
generate_fundamental_cycles Generate fundamental cycles in a connected graph
gor Graphs and Network Optimization algorithms
improve_cover_flip Improving a cover with local search
improve_cut_flip Improving a cut with local search
improve_tour_2opt Tour improving for a TSP using the 2-opt heuristic
improve_tour_3opt Tour improving for a TSP using the 3-opt heuristic
improve_tour_LinKer Tour improving for a TSP using a poor version of the Lin-Kernighan heuristic
is_cover Check vertex cover
mutate_binary_sequence Binary sequence mutation
neigh_index Previous, current, and next positions of a given index in a cycle.
next_index Next position to i in a cycle
perturb_tour_4exc Random 4-exchange transformation
plot_cover Vertex cover plotting
plot_cut Cut plotting
plot_tour TSP tour simple plotting
search_cover_ants Ant colony optimization algorithm for Vertex-Cover
search_cover_random Random vertex covers
search_cut_genetic Genetic Algorithm for Max-Cut
search_tour_ants Ant colony optimization algorithm for the TSP
search_tour_chain2opt Chained 2-opt search with multiple, random starting tours
search_tour_genetic Genetic Algorithm for the TSP
shave_cycle Shaving a hairy cycle
sum_g Sum of the higher terms of a list