Fisheries_Treaties_6070 {goldfish}R Documentation

International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)


An abbreviated version of the international fisheries agreements dataset, including only bilateral agreements, fewer variables, and ranging only between 1960 and 1970 inclusive. This data set is only meant for testing, and not for inference. It provides an example of an undirected, weighted (by integer/increment) network, with composition change and both monadic and dyadic covariates. Monadic variables include the dates states gain or lose sovereign status, their polity score, and their GDP. Dyadic variables include bilateral fisheries agreements between states, and states' contiguity with one another over time.












The data includes several dataframes: states (154 rows, 4 columns, monadic), sovchanges (62 rows, 3 columns, monadic), regchanges (145 rows, 3 columns, monadic), gdpchanges (979 rows, 3 columns, monadic), bilatchanges (77 rows, 4 columns, dyadic), contigchanges (139 rows, 4 columns, dyadic). See below for variables and formats.

Object Description Format
states$label Node identifier labels character
states$present Node present in dataset boolean
states$regime Placeholder for regime variable numeric (NA)
states$gdp Placeholder for GDP variable numeric (NA)
sovchanges$time Date of state sovereignty update POSIXct
sovchanges$node Node for state sovereignty update integer
sovchanges$replace State sovereignty update boolean
regchanges$time Date of regime update POSIXct
regchanges$node Node for regime update integer
regchanges$replace Regime update integer (-10--10)
gdpchanges$time Date of GDP update POSIXct
gdpchanges$node Node for GDP update integer
gdpchanges$replace GDP update numeric
bilatchanges$time Date of bilateral change POSIXct
bilatchanges$sender First bilateral change node integer
bilatchanges$receiver Second bilateral change node integer
bilatchanges$increment Create or dissolve tie numeric (-1 or 1)
contigchanges$time Date of contiguity change POSIXct
contigchanges$sender First contiguity change node integer
contigchanges$receiver Second contiguity change node integer
contigchanges$replace New contiguity value numeric

An object of class data.frame with 77 rows and 4 columns.

An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 154 rows and 154 columns.

An object of class data.frame with 139 rows and 4 columns.

An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 154 rows and 154 columns.

An object of class data.frame with 979 rows and 3 columns.

An object of class data.frame with 145 rows and 3 columns.

An object of class data.frame with 62 rows and 3 columns.

An object of class data.frame with 154 rows and 4 columns.


Hollway, James, and Johan Koskinen. 2016. Multilevel Embeddedness: The Case of the Global Fisheries Governance Complex. Social Networks, 44: 281-94. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2015.03.001.

Hollway, James, and Johan H Koskinen. 2016. Multilevel Bilateralism and Multilateralism: States' Bilateral and Multilateral Fisheries Treaties and Their Secretariats. In Multilevel Network Analysis for the Social Sciences, edited by Emmanuel Lazega and Tom A B Snijders, 315-32. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24520-1_13.

[Package goldfish version 1.6.8 Index]