Statistical Network Models for Dynamic Network Data

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Documentation for package ‘goldfish’ version 1.6.8

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goldfish-package goldfish package
actors Social evolution of a university dormitory cohort Methods to update a nodes or network object Methods to update a nodes or network object
bilatchanges International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
bilatnet International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
calls Social evolution of a university dormitory cohort
contigchanges International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
contignet International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
defineDependentEvents Define dependent events for a model
defineGlobalAttribute Define a global time-varying attribute
defineGroups_interaction To define the second mode of a DyNAM-i model
defineNetwork Defining a network with dynamic events
defineNodes Defining a node set with (dynamic) node attributes.
estimate Estimate a model
examine Diagnostic functions
examineChangepoints Diagnostic functions
examineOutliers Diagnostic functions
Fisheries_Treaties_6070 International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
friendship Social evolution of a university dormitory cohort
GatherPreprocessing Gather preprocess data from a formula
gdpchanges International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
goldfish goldfish package
known.before RFID Validity dataset
linkEvents Link dynamic events to a nodeset or a network
linkEvents.default Link dynamic events to a nodeset or a network Link dynamic events to a nodeset or a network
linkEvents.nodes.goldfish Link dynamic events to a nodeset or a network
logLik.result.goldfish Extract log-likelihood from a fitted model object
participants RFID Validity dataset
print-method Methods for 'goldfish' objects.
print.dependent.goldfish Methods for 'goldfish' objects. Methods for 'goldfish' objects.
print.nodes.goldfish Methods for 'goldfish' objects.
print.preprocessed.goldfish Methods for 'goldfish' objects.
print.result.goldfish Methods for 'goldfish' objects.
print.summary.result.goldfish Methods for 'goldfish' objects.
regchanges International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
rfid RFID Validity dataset
RFID_Validity_Study RFID Validity dataset
Social_Evolution Social evolution of a university dormitory cohort
sovchanges International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
states International bilateral fisheries treaties (1960-1970)
update-method Methods to update a nodes or network object
video RFID Validity dataset