Transfer Learning under Regularized Generalized Linear Models

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Documentation for package ‘glmtrans’ version 2.0.0

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glmtrans Fit a transfer learning generalized linear model (GLM) with elasticnet regularization.
glmtrans_inf Calculate asymptotic confidence intervals based on desparsified Lasso and two-step transfer learning method.
models Generate data from Gaussian, logistic and Poisson models.
plot.glmtrans Visualize the losses of different sources and the threshold to determine transferability.
plot.glmtrans_source_detection Visualize the losses of different sources and the threshold to determine transferability.
predict.glmtrans Predict for new data from a "glmtrans" object.
print.glmtrans Print a fitted "glmtrans" object.
source_detection Transferable source detection for GLM transfer learning algorithm.