zeroinf {glmtoolbox} | R Documentation |
Zero-Inflated Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Data
Allows to fit a zero-inflated (Poisson or negative binomial) regression model to deal with zero-excess in count data.
na.action = na.omit(),
family = "poi(log)", = c("logit", "probit", "cloglog", "cauchit", "log"),
reltol = 1e-13,
start = list(counts = NULL, zeros = NULL),
formula |
a |
data |
an (optional) |
offset |
this can be used to specify an a priori known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting. This should be |
subset |
an (optional) vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. |
na.action |
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. By default |
weights |
an (optional) vector of positive "prior weights" to be used in the fitting process. The length of
family |
an (optional) character string that allows you to specify the distribution
to describe the response variable, as well as the link function to be used in
the model for | |
an (optional) character string which allows to specify the link function to be used in the model for |
reltol |
an (optional) positive value which represents the relative convergence tolerance for the BFGS method in optim.
As default, |
start |
an (optional) list with two components named "counts" and "zeros", which allows to specify the starting values to be used in the
iterative process to obtain the estimates of the parameters in the linear predictors to the models for |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
The zero-inflated count distributions may be obtained as the mixture between a count
distribution and the Bernoulli distribution. Indeed, if is a count random
variable such that
is 0 with probability 1
~ Poisson
, where
~ Bernoulli
, then
is distributed according to the Zero-Inflated Poisson distribution, denoted here as
Similarly, if is a count random variable such that
is 0 with probability 1
~ NB
, where
~ Bernoulli
, then
is distributed according to the Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial distribution, denoted here as
. The Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial I
Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial II
distributions are special cases of ZINB when
, respectively.
The "counts" model may be expressed as for
, where
is the link function specified at the argument
. Similarly, the "zeros" model may
be expressed as for
, where
is the
link function specified at the argument
. Parameter estimation is
performed using the maximum likelihood method. The model parameters are estimated by
maximizing the log-likelihood function through the BFGS method available in the routine
optim. Analytical derivatives are used instead of numerical derivatives to
increase BFGS method accuracy and speed. The variance-covariance matrix estimate is
obtained as being minus the inverse of the (analytical) hessian matrix evaluated at the
parameter estimates and the observed data.
A set of standard extractor functions for fitted model objects is available for objects of class zeroinflation, including methods for generic functions such as print, summary, model.matrix, estequa, coef, vcov, logLik, fitted, confint, AIC, BIC and predict. In addition, the model fitted to the data may be assessed using functions such as anova.zeroinflation, residuals.zeroinflation, dfbeta.zeroinflation, cooks.distance.zeroinflation and envelope.zeroinflation.
An object of class zeroinflation in which the main results of the model fitted to the data are stored, i.e., a list with components including
coefficients | a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the parameter estimates |
from the respective models, | |
fitted.values | a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the estimates of
and , respectively, |
start | a vector containing the starting values for all parameters in the model, |
prior.weights | a vector containing the case weights used, |
offset | a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the offset vectors, if any, |
from the respective models, | |
terms | a list with elements "counts", "zeros" and "full" containing the terms objects for |
the respective models, | |
loglik | the value of the log-likelihood function avaliated at the parameter estimates and |
the observed data, | |
estfun | a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the estimating functions |
evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data for the respective models, | |
formula | the formula, |
levels | the levels of the categorical regressors, |
contrasts | a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the contrasts corresponding |
to levels from the respective models, | |
converged | a logical indicating successful convergence, |
model | the full model frame, |
y | the response count vector, |
family | a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the family objects used |
in the respective models, | |
linear.predictors | a list with elements "counts" and "zeros" containing the estimates of |
and , respectively, |
R | a matrix with the Cholesky decomposition of the inverse of the variance-covariance |
matrix of all parameters in the model, | |
call | the original function call. |
Cameron A.C., Trivedi P.K. 1998. Regression Analysis of Count Data. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Lambert D. 1992. Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression, with an Application to Defects in Manufacturing. Technometrics 34, 1-14.
Garay A.M., Hashimoto E.M., Ortega E.M.M., Lachos V. (2011) On estimation and influence diagnostics for zero-inflated negative binomial regression models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 55, 1304-1318.
See Also
####### Example 1: Roots Produced by the Columnar Apple Cultivar Trajan
fit1 <- zeroinf(roots ~ photoperiod, family="nbf(log)","logit", data=Trajan)
####### Example 2: Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
fit2 <- zeroinf(infections ~ frequency | location, family="nb1(log)", data=swimmers)
####### Example 3: Article production by graduate students in biochemistry PhD programs
bioChemists <- pscl::bioChemists
fit3 <- zeroinf(art ~ fem + kid5 + ment | ment, family="nb1(log)", data = bioChemists)