nested.glmnetr {glmnetr} | R Documentation |
Using (nested) cross validation, describe and compare some machine learning model performances
Performs a nested cross validation or bootstrap validation for cross validation informed relaxed lasso, Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Random Forest (RF), (artificial) Neural Network (ANN) with two hidden layers, Recursive Partitioning (RPART) and step wise regression. That is hyper parameters for all these models are informed by cross validation (CV) (or in the case of RF by out-of-bag calculations), and a second layer of resampling is used to evaluate the performance of these CV informed model fits. For step wise regression CV is used to inform either a p-value for entry or degrees of freedom (df) for the final model choice. For input we require predictors (features) to be in numeric matrix format with no missing values. This is similar to how the glmnet package expects predictors. For survival data we allow input of start time as an option, and require stop time, and an event indicator, 1 for event and 0 for censoring, as separate terms. This may seem unorthodox as it might seem simpler to accept a Surv() object as input. However, multiple packages we use for model fitting models require data in various formats and this choice was the most straight forward for constructing the data formats required. As an example, the XGBoost routines require a data format specific to the XGBoost package, not a matrix, not a data frame. Note, for XGBoost and survival models, only a "stop time" variable, taking a positive value to indicate being associated with an event, and the negative of the time when associated with a censoring, is passed to the input data object for analysis.
start = NULL,
event = NULL,
family = "gaussian",
resample = NULL,
folds_n = 10,
stratified = NULL,
dolasso = 1,
doxgb = 0,
dorf = 0,
doorf = 0,
doann = 0,
dorpart = 0,
dostep = 0,
doaic = 0,
ensemble = 0,
method = "loglik",
lambda = NULL,
gamma = NULL,
relax = TRUE,
steps_n = 0,
seed = NULL,
foldid = NULL,
limit = 1,
fine = 0,
ties = "efron",
keepdata = 0,
keepxbetas = 1,
bootstrap = 0,
unique = 0,
track = 0,
do_ncv = NULL,
xs |
predictor input - an n by p matrix, where n (rows) is sample size, and p (columns) the number of predictors. Must be in matrix form for complete data, no NA's, no Inf's, etc., and not a data frame. |
start |
optional start times in case of a Cox model. A numeric (vector) of length same as number of patients (n). Optionally start may be specified as a column matrix in which case the colname value is used when outputing summaries. |
y_ |
dependent variable as a vector: time, or stop time for Cox model, Y_ 0 or 1 for binomal (logistic), numeric for gaussian. Must be a vector of length same as number of sample size. Optionally y_ may be specified as a column matrix in which case the colname value is used when outputing summaries. |
event |
event indicator, 1 for event, 0 for census, Cox model only. Must be a numeric vector of length same as sample size. Optionally event may be specified as a column matrix in which case the colname value is used when outputing summaries. |
family |
model family, "cox", "binomial" or "gaussian" (default) |
resample |
1 by default to do the Nested Cross Validation or bootstrap resampling calculations to assess model performance (see bootstrap option), or 0 to only fit the various models without doing resampling. In this case the nested.glmnetr() function will only derive the models based upon the full data set. This may be useful when exploring various models without having to the the timely resampling to assess model performance, for example, when wanting to examine extreme gradient boosting models (GBM) or Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models which can take a long time. |
folds_n |
the number of folds for the outer loop of the nested cross validation, and if not overridden by the individual model specifications, also the number of folds for the inner loop of the nested cross validation, i.e. the number of folds used in model derivation. |
stratified |
1 to generate fold IDs stratified on outcome or event indicators for the binomial or Cox model, 0 to generate foldid's without regard to outcome. Default is 1 for nested CV (i.e. bootstrap=0), and 0 for bootstrap>=1. |
dolasso |
fit and do cross validation for lasso model, 0 or 1 |
doxgb |
fit and evaluate a cross validation informed XGBoost (GBM) model. 1 for yes, 0 for no (default). By default the number of folds used when training the GBM model will be the same as the number of folds used in the outer loop of the nested cross validation, and the maximum number of rounds when training the GBM model is set to 1000. To control these values one may specify a list for the doxgb argument. The list can have elements $nfold, $nrounds, and $early_stopping_rounds, each numerical values of length 1, $folds, a list as used by do identify folds for cross validation, and $eta, $gamma, $max_depth, $min_child_seight, $colsample_bytree, $lambda, $alpha and $subsample, each a numeric of length 2 giving the lower and upper values for the respective tuning parameter. Here we deviate from nomenclature used elsewhere in the package to be able to use terms those used in the 'xgboost' (and mlrMBO) package, in particular as used in xgb.train(), e.g. nfold instead of folds_n and folds instead of foldid. If not provided defaults will be used. Defaults can be seen from the output object$doxgb element, again a list. In case not NULL, the seed and folds option values override the $seed and $folds values. If to shorten run time the user sets nfold to a value other than folds_n we recommend that nfold = folds_n/2 or folds_n/3. Then the folds will be formed by collapsing the folds_n folds allowing a better comparisons of model performances between the different machine learning models. Typically one would want to keep the full data model but the GBM models can cause the output object to require large amounts of storage space so optionally one can choose to not keep the final model when the goal is basically only to assess model performance for the GBM. In that case the tuning parameters for the final tuned model ae retained facilitating recalculation of the final model, this will also require the original training data. |
dorf |
fit and evaluate a random forest (RF) model. 1 for yes, 0 for no (default). Also, if dorf is specified by a list, then RF models will be fit. The randomForestSRC package is used. This list can have three elements. One is the vector mtryc, and contains values for mtry. The program searches over the different values to find a better fir for the final model. If not specified mtryc is set to round( sqrt(dim(xs)[2]) * c(0.67 , 1, 1.5, 2.25, 3.375) ). The second list element the vector ntreec. The first item (ntreec[1]) specifies the number of trees to fit in evaluating the models specified by the different mtry values. The second item (ntreec[2]) specifies the number of trees to fit in the final model. The default is ntreec = c(25,250). The third element in the list is the numeric variable keep, with the value 1 (default) to store the model fit on all data in the output object, or the value 0 to not store the full data model fit. Typically one would want to keep the full data model but the RF models can cause the output object to require large amounts of storage space so optionally one can choose to not keep the final model when the goal is basically only to assess model performance for the RF. Random forests use the out-of-bag (OOB) data elements for assessing model fit and hyperparameter tuning and so cross validation is not used for tuning. Still, because of the number of trees in the forest random forest can take long to run. |
doorf |
fit and evaluate an Oblique random forest (RF) model. 1 for yes, 0 for no (default). While the nomenclature used by orrsf() is slightly different than that used by rfsrc() nomenclature for this object follows that of dorf. |
doann |
fit and evaluate a cross validation informed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model with two hidden levels. 1 for yes, 0 for no (default). By default the number of folds used when training the ANN model will be the same as the number of folds used in the outer loop of the nested cross validation. To override this, for example to shrtn run time, one may specify a list for the doann argument where the element $folds_ann_n gives the number of folds used when training the ANN. To shorten run we recommend folds_ann_n = folds_n/2 or folds_n/3, and at least 3. Then the folds will be formed by collapsing the folds_n folds using in fitting other models allowing a better comparisons of model performances between the different machine learning models. The list can also have elements $epochs, $epochs2, $myler, $myler2, $eppr, $eppr2, $lenv1, $lenz2, $actv, $drpot, $wd, wd2, l1, l12, $lscale, $scale, $minloss and $gotoend. These arguments are then passed to the ann_tab_cv_best() function, with the meanings described in the help for that function, with some exception. When there are two similar values like $epoch and $epoch2 the first applies to the ANN models trained without transfer learning and the second to the models trained with transfer learning from the lasso model. Elements of this list unspecified will take default values. The user may also specify the element $bestof (a positive integer) to fit bestof models with different random starting weights and biases while taking the best performing of the different fits based upon CV as the final model. The default value for bestof is 1. |
dorpart |
fit and do a nested cross validation for an RPART model. As rpart() does its own approximation for cross validation there is no new functions for cross validation. |
dostep |
fit and do cross validation for stepwise regression fit, 0 or 1, as discussed in James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani, 2nd edition. |
doaic |
fit and do cross validation for AIC fit, 0 or 1. This is provided primarily as a reference. |
ensemble |
This is a vector 8 characters long and specifies a set of ensemble like model to be fit based upon the predicteds form a relaxed lasso model fit, by either inlcuding the predicteds as an additional term (feature) in the machine learning model, or including the predicteds similar to an offset. For XGBoost, the offset is specified in the model with the "base_margin" in the XGBoost call. For the Artificial Neural Network models fit using the ann_tab_cv_best() function, one can initialize model weights (parameters) to account for the predicteds in prediction and either let these weights by modified each epoch or update and maintain these weights during the fitting process. For ensemble[1] = 1 a model is fit ignoring these predicteds, ensemble[2]=1 a model is fit including the predicteds as an additional feature. For ensemble[3]=1 a model is fit using the predicteds as an offset when running the xgboost model, or a model is fit including the predicteds with initial weights corresponding to an offset, but then weights are allowed to be tuned over the epochs. For i >= 4 ensemble[i] only applies to the neural network models. For ensemble[4]=1 a model is fit like for ensemble[3]=1 but the weights are reassigned to correspond to an offset after each epoch. For i in (5,6,7,8) ensemble[i] is similar to ensemble[i-4] except the original predictor (feature) set is replaced by the set of non-zero terms in the relaxed lasso model fit. If ensemble is specified as 0 or NULL, then ensemble is assigned c(1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0). If ensemble is specified as 1, then ensemble is assigned c(1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,1). |
method |
method for choosing model in stepwise procedure, "loglik" or "concordance". Other procedures use the "loglik". |
lambda |
lambda vector for the lasso fit |
gamma |
gamma vector for the relaxed lasso fit, default is c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1) |
relax |
fit the relaxed lasso model when fitting a lasso model |
steps_n |
number of steps done in stepwise regression fitting |
seed |
optional, either NULL, or a numerical/integer vector of length 2, for R and torch random generators, or a list with two two vectors, each of length folds_n+1, for generation of random folds of the outer cross validation loop, and the remaining folds_n terms for the random generation of the folds or the bootstrap samples for the model fits of the inner loops. This can be used to replicate model fits. Whether specified or NULL, the seed is stored in the output object for future reference. The stored seed is a list with two vectors seedr for the seeds used in generating the random fold splits, and seedt for generating the random initial weights and biases in the torch neural network models. The first element in each of these vectors is for the all data fits and remaining elements for the folds of the inner cross validation. The integers assigned to seed should be positive and not more than 2147483647. |
foldid |
a vector of integers to associate each record to a fold. Should be integers from 1 and folds_n. These will only be used in the outer folds. |
limit |
limit the small values for lambda after the initial fit. This will have minimal impact on the cross validation. Default is 2 for moderate limitation, 1 for less limitation, 0 for none. |
fine |
use a finer step in determining lambda. Of little value unless one repeats the cross validation many times to more finely tune the hyper paramters. See the 'glmnet' package documentation |
ties |
method for handling ties in Cox model for relaxed model component. Default is "efron", optionally "breslow". For penalized fits "breslow" is always used as derived form to 'glmnet' package. |
keepdata |
0 (default) to delete the input data (xs, start, y_, event) from the output objects from the random forest fit and the glm() fit for the stepwise AIC model, 1 to keep. |
keepxbetas |
1 (default) to retain in the output object a copy of the functional outcome variable, i.e. y_ for "gaussian" and "binomial" data, and the Surv(y_,event) or Surv(start,y_,event) for "cox" data. This allows calibration studies of the models, going beyond the linear calibration information calculated by the function. The xbetas are calculated both for the model derived using all data as well as for the hold out sets (1/k of the data each) for the models derived within the cross validation ((k-1)/k of the data for each fit). |
bootstrap |
0 (default) to use nested cross validation, a positive integer to perform as many iterations of the bootstrap for model evaluation. |
unique |
0 to use the bootstrap sample as is as training data, 1 to include the unique sample elements only once. A fractional value between 0.5 and 0.9 will sample without replacement a fraction of this value for training and use the remaining as test data. |
track |
1 (default) to track progress by printing to console elapsed and split times, 0 to not track |
do_ncv |
Deprecated, and replaced by resample |
... |
additional arguments that can be passed to glmnet() |
- Model fit performance for LASSO, GBM, Random Forest, RPART, artificial neural network (ANN) or STEPWISE models are estimated using k-cross validation or bootstrap. Full data model fits for these models are also calculated independently (prior to) the performance evaluation, often using a second layer of resampling validation.
Walter Kremers (
See Also
, summary.nested.glmnetr
, predict.nested.glmnetr
, cv.glmnetr
, rf_tune
, orf_tune
, ann_tab_cv
, cv.stepreg
Examples, ncols=100, beta=NULL)$xs$y_
# for this example we use a small number for folds_n to shorten run time = nested.glmnetr( xs, NULL, y_, NULL, family="gaussian", folds_n=3)
plot(, type="devrat", ylim=c(0.7,1))
plot(, type="lincal", ylim=c(0.9,1.1))
plot(, type="lasso")
plot(, type="coef")
summary(, cvfit=TRUE)