combine_plots {ggstatsplot}R Documentation

Combining and arranging multiple plots in a grid


Wrapper around patchwork::wrap_plots() that will return a combined grid of plots with annotations. In case you want to create a grid of plots, it is highly recommended that you use {patchwork} package directly and not this wrapper around it which is mostly useful with {ggstatsplot} plots. It is exported only for backward compatibility.


  plotgrid.args = list(),
  annotation.args = list(),
  guides = "collect",



A list containing ggplot objects.


A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::wrap_plots(), except for guides argument which is already separately specified here.


A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::plot_annotation().


A string specifying how guides should be treated in the layout. 'collect' will collect guides below to the given nesting level, removing duplicates. 'keep' will stop collection at this level and let guides be placed alongside their plot. auto will allow guides to be collected if a upper level tries, but place them alongside the plot if not. If you modify default guide "position" with theme(legend.position=...) while also collecting guides you must apply that change to the overall patchwork (see example).


Currently ignored.


A combined plot with annotation labels.



# first plot
p1 <- ggplot(
  data = subset(iris, iris$Species == "setosa"),
  aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width)
) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "setosa")

# second plot
p2 <- ggplot(
  data = subset(iris, iris$Species == "versicolor"),
  aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width)
) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "versicolor")

# combining the plot with a title and a caption
  plotlist = list(p1, p2),
  plotgrid.args = list(nrow = 1),
  annotation.args = list(
    tag_levels = "a",
    title = "Dataset: Iris Flower dataset",
    subtitle = "Edgar Anderson collected this data",
    caption = "Note: Only two species of flower are displayed",
    theme = theme(
      plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 20),
      plot.title = element_text(size = 30)

[Package ggstatsplot version 0.12.4 Index]