bugs_long |
Tidy version of the "Bugs" dataset. |
bugs_wide |
Wide-format version of the "Bugs" dataset. |
combine_plots |
Combining and arranging multiple plots in a grid |
extract_caption |
Extracting data frames or expressions from '{ggstatsplot}' plots |
extract_stats |
Extracting data frames or expressions from '{ggstatsplot}' plots |
extract_subtitle |
Extracting data frames or expressions from '{ggstatsplot}' plots |
ggbarstats |
Stacked bar charts with statistical tests |
ggbetweenstats |
Box/Violin plots for between-subjects comparisons |
ggcoefstats |
Dot-and-whisker plots for regression analyses |
ggcorrmat |
Visualization of a correlation matrix |
ggdotplotstats |
Dot plot/chart for labeled numeric data. |
gghistostats |
Histogram for distribution of a numeric variable |
ggpiestats |
Pie charts with statistical tests |
ggscatterstats |
Scatterplot with marginal distributions and statistical results |
ggwithinstats |
Box/Violin plots for repeated measures comparisons |
grouped_ggbarstats |
Grouped bar charts with statistical tests |
grouped_ggbetweenstats |
Violin plots for group or condition comparisons in between-subjects designs repeated across all levels of a grouping variable. |
grouped_ggcorrmat |
Visualization of a correlalogram (or correlation matrix) for all levels of a grouping variable |
grouped_ggdotplotstats |
Grouped histograms for distribution of a labeled numeric variable |
grouped_gghistostats |
Grouped histograms for distribution of a numeric variable |
grouped_ggpiestats |
Grouped pie charts with statistical tests |
grouped_ggscatterstats |
Scatterplot with marginal distributions for all levels of a grouping variable |
grouped_ggwithinstats |
Violin plots for group or condition comparisons in within-subjects designs repeated across all levels of a grouping variable. |
iris_long |
Edgar Anderson's Iris Data in long format. |
movies_long |
Movie information and user ratings from IMDB.com (long format). |
theme_ggstatsplot |
Default theme used in '{ggstatsplot}' |
Titanic_full |
Titanic dataset. |