midwest {ggplot2} | R Documentation |
Midwest demographics
Demographic information of midwest counties from 2000 US census
A data frame with 437 rows and 28 variables:
Unique county identifier.
- county
County name.
- state
State to which county belongs to.
- area
Area of county (units unknown).
- poptotal
Total population.
- popdensity
Population density (person/unit area).
- popwhite
Number of whites.
- popblack
Number of blacks.
- popamerindian
Number of American Indians.
- popasian
Number of Asians.
- popother
Number of other races.
- percwhite
Percent white.
- percblack
Percent black.
- percamerindan
Percent American Indian.
- percasian
Percent Asian.
- percother
Percent other races.
- popadults
Number of adults.
- perchsd
Percent with high school diploma.
- percollege
Percent college educated.
- percprof
Percent with professional degree.
- poppovertyknown
Population with known poverty status.
- percpovertyknown
Percent of population with known poverty status.
- percbelowpoverty
Percent of people below poverty line.
- percchildbelowpovert
Percent of children below poverty line.
- percadultpoverty
Percent of adults below poverty line.
- percelderlypoverty
Percent of elderly below poverty line.
- inmetro
County considered in a metro area.
- category
Note: this dataset is included for illustrative purposes. The original
descriptions were not documented and the current descriptions here are based
on speculation. For more accurate and up-to-date US census data, see the