RepMarDAG {ggm}R Documentation

Representational Markov equivalence to directed acyclic graphs.


RepMarDAG determines whether a given maximal ancestral graph can be Markov equivalent to a directed acyclic graph, and if that is the case, it finds a directed acyclic graph that is Markov equivalent to the given graph.





An adjacency matrix, or a graph that can be a graphNEL or an igraph object or a vector of length 3e, where e is the number of edges of the graph, that is a sequence of triples (type, node1label, node2label). The type of edge can be "a" (arrows from node1 to node2), "b" (arcs), and "l" (lines).


RepMarDAG first looks whether the subgraph induced by full lines is chordal and whether there is a minimal collider path or cycle of length 4 in graph.


A list with two components: verify and amat. verify is a logical value, TRUE if there is a representational Markov equivalence and FALSE otherwise. amat is either NA if verify == FALSE or the adjacency matrix of the generated graph, if verify == TRUE. In this case it consists of 4 different integers as an ij-element: 0 for a missing edge between i and j, 1 for an arrow from i to j, 10 for a full line between i and j, and 100 for a bi-directed arrow between i and j. These numbers are added to be associated with multiple edges of different types. The matrix is symmetric w.r.t full lines and bi-directed arrows.


Kayvan Sadeghi


Sadeghi, K. (2011). Markov equivalences for subclasses of loopless mixed graphs. Submitted, 2011.

See Also

MarkEqMag, MarkEqRcg, RepMarBG, RepMarUG



[Package ggm version 2.5.1 Index]