Graphical Markov Models with Mixed Graphs

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Documentation for package ‘ggm’ version 2.5.1

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adjMatrix Adjacency matrix of a graph
AG Ancestral graph
allEdges All edges of a graph
anger Anger data
basiSet Basis set of a DAG
bd Simple graph operations
bfsearch Breadth first search
binve Inverts a marginal log-linear parametrization
blkdiag Block diagonal matrix
blodiag Block diagonal matrix
ch Simple graph operations
checkIdent Identifiability of a model with one latent variable
cmpGraph The complementary graph
conComp Connectivity components
correlations Marginal and partial correlations
cycleMatrix Fundamental cycles
DAG Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)
derived Data on blood pressure body mass and age
DG Directed graphs
diagv Matrix product with a diagonal matrix
drawGraph Drawing a graph with a simple point and click interface.
dSep d-separation
edgematrix Edge matrix of a graph
essentialGraph Essential graph
findPath Finding paths
fitAncestralGraph Fitting of Gaussian Ancestral Graph Models
fitConGraph Fitting a Gaussian concentration graph model
fitCovGraph Fitting of Gaussian covariance graph models
fitDag Fitting of Gaussian DAG models
fitDagLatent Fitting Gaussian DAG models with one latent variable
fitmlogit Multivariate logistic models
fundCycles Fundamental cycles
ggm The package 'ggm': summary information
glucose Glucose control
grMAT Graph to adjacency matrix
In Indicator matrix
inducedChainGraph Graphs induced by marginalization or conditioning
inducedConGraph Graphs induced by marginalization or conditioning
inducedCovGraph Graphs induced by marginalization or conditioning
inducedDAG Graphs induced by marginalization or conditioning
InducedGraphs Graphs induced by marginalization or conditioning
inducedRegGraph Graphs induced by marginalization or conditioning
isAcyclic Graph queries
isADMG Acyclic directed mixed graphs
isAG Ancestral graph
isGident G-identifiability of an UG
likGau Utility functions
MAG Maximal ancestral graph
makeMG Mixed Graphs
marg.param Link function of marginal log-linear parameterization
MarkEqMag Markov equivalence of maximal ancestral graphs
MarkEqRcg Markov equivalence for regression chain graphs.
marks Mathematics marks
mat.mlogit Multivariate logistic parametrization
Max Maximisation for graphs
MRG Maximal ribbonless graph
msep The m-separation criterion
MSG Maximal summary graph
null Null space of a matrix
pa Simple graph operations
parcor Partial correlations
pcor Partial correlation
pcor.test Test for zero partial association
plotGraph Plot of a mixed graph
powerset Power set
rcorr Random correlation matrix
rem Utility functions
RepMarBG Representational Markov equivalence to bidirected graphs.
RepMarDAG Representational Markov equivalence to directed acyclic graphs.
RepMarUG Representational Markov equivalence to undirected graphs.
RG Ribbonless graph
rnormDag Random sample from a decomposable Gaussian model
RR Utility functions
rsphere Random vectors on a sphere
SG summary graph
shipley.test Test of all independencies implied by a given DAG
SPl Utility functions
stress Stress
surdata A simulated data set
swp Sweep operator
topOrder Topological sort
topSort Topological sort
transClos Transitive closure of a graph
triDec Triangular decomposition of a covariance matrix
UG Defining an undirected graph (UG)
unmakeMG Loopless mixed graphs components