A Grammar of Graphics for Comparative Genomics

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Documentation for package ‘gggenomes’ version 1.0.0

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-- A --

add_class Modify object class attriutes
add_clusters Add different types of tracks
add_feats Add different types of tracks
add_links Add different types of tracks
add_seqs Add seqs
add_subfeats Add different types of tracks
add_sublinks Add different types of tracks
add_tracks Add different types of tracks

-- B --

bins Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls

-- C --

check_strand Check strand
combine_strands Combine strands

-- D --

def_formats Defined file formats and extensions
def_names Default column names and types for defined formats
def_types Default column names and types for defined formats
drop_feat_layout Drop feature layout
drop_layout Drop a genome layout
drop_link_layout Drop a link layout
drop_seq_layout Drop a seq layout

-- E --

emale_ava All-versus-all whole genome alignments of 6 EMALE genomes
emale_cogs Clusters of orthologs of 6 EMALE proteomes
emale_gc Relative GC-content along 6 EMALE genomes
emale_genes Gene annotations if 6 EMALE genomes (endogenous virophages)
emale_ngaros Integrated Ngaro retrotransposons of 6 EMALE genomes
emale_prot_ava All-versus-all alignments 6 EMALE proteomes
emale_seqs Sequence index of 6 EMALE genomes (endogenous virophages)
emale_tirs Terminal inverted repeats of 6 EMALE genomes
ex Get path to gggenomes example files

-- F --

feats Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
feats0 Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
flip Flip bins and sequences
flip_seqs Flip bins and sequences
flip_strand Flip strand
focus Show features and regions of interest

-- G --

genes Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
GeomFeatText Geom for feature text
geom_bin_label Draw bin labels
geom_coverage Draw wiggle ribbons or lines
geom_feat Draw feats
geom_feat_label Draw feat/link labels
geom_feat_note Add text to genes, features, etc.
geom_feat_tag Add text to genes, features, etc.
geom_feat_text Add text to genes, features, etc.
geom_gene Draw gene models
geom_gene_label Draw feat/link labels
geom_gene_note Add text to genes, features, etc.
geom_gene_tag Add text to genes, features, etc.
geom_gene_text Add text to genes, features, etc.
geom_link Draw links between genomes
geom_link_label Draw feat/link labels
geom_link_line Draw links between genomes
geom_seq draw seqs
geom_seq_break Decorate truncated sequences
geom_seq_label Draw seq labels
geom_variant Draw place of mutation
geom_wiggle Draw wiggle ribbons or lines
get_seqs Get/set the seqs track
gggenomes Plot genomes, features and synteny maps

-- I --

if_reverse Vectorised if_else based on strandedness
introduce Introduce non-existing columns
in_range Do numeric values fall into specified ranges?
is_reverse Check whether strand is reverse

-- L --

label_bp X-scale for genomic data
layout Re-layout a genome layout
layout_seqs Layout sequences
links Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
locate Show features and regions of interest

-- P --

pick Pick bins and seqs by name or position
pick_by_tree Pick bins and seqs by name or position
pick_seqs Pick bins and seqs by name or position
pick_seqs_within Pick bins and seqs by name or position
PositionPile Stack features
PositionSixframe Stack features
PositionStrand Stack features
PositionStrandpile Stack features
position_pile Stack features
position_sixframe Stack features
position_strand Stack features
position_strandpile Stack features
position_variant Plot types of mutations with different offsets
pull_bins Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
pull_bins.gggenomes_layout Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
pull_feats Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
pull_genes Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
pull_links Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
pull_seqs Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
pull_track Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls

-- R --

read_alitv Read AliTV .json file
read_bed Read a BED file
read_blast Read BLAST tab-separated output
read_context Read files in different contexts
read_fai Read sequence index
read_feats Read files in various standard formats (FASTA, GFF3, GBK, BED, BLAST, ...) into track tables
read_gbk Read genbank files
read_gff3 Read features from GFF3 (and with some limitations GFF2/GTF) files
read_links Read files in various standard formats (FASTA, GFF3, GBK, BED, BLAST, ...) into track tables
read_paf Read a .paf file (minimap/minimap2).
read_seqs Read files in various standard formats (FASTA, GFF3, GBK, BED, BLAST, ...) into track tables
read_seq_len Read sequence index
read_subfeats Read files in various standard formats (FASTA, GFF3, GBK, BED, BLAST, ...) into track tables
read_sublinks Read files in various standard formats (FASTA, GFF3, GBK, BED, BLAST, ...) into track tables
read_tracks Read files in various standard formats (FASTA, GFF3, GBK, BED, BLAST, ...) into track tables
read_vcf Read a VCF file
require_vars Require variables in an object

-- S --

scale_color_variant Default colors and shapes for mutation types.
scale_shape_variant Default colors and shapes for mutation types.
scale_x_bp X-scale for genomic data
seqs Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
set_class Modify object class attriutes
set_seqs Get/set the seqs track
shift Shift bins left/right
strand_chr Convert strand to character
strand_int Convert strand to integer
strand_lgl Convert strand to logical
strip_class Modify object class attriutes
swap_if Swap values of two columns based on a condition
swap_query Swap query and subject in blast-like feature tables
sync Flip bins and sequences

-- T --

theme_gggenomes_clean gggenomes default theme
track Use tracks inside and outside geom_* calls
track_ids Named vector of track ids and types
track_info Basic info on tracks in a gggenomes object

-- U --

unnest_exons Unnest exons

-- V --

vars_track Tidyselect track variables

-- W --

width The width of a range
width0 The width of a range
write_gff3 Write a gff3 file from a tidy table