ggdmc-package |
Bayeisan computation of response time models |
Deviance information criteria |
BuildDMI |
Bind data and models |
BuildModel |
Create a model object |
BuildPrior |
Specifying Parameter Prior Distributions |
CheckConverged |
Model checking functions |
check_pvec |
Does a model object specify a correct p.vector |
ConvertChains |
Prepare posterior samples for plotting functions version 1 |
dbeta_lu |
A modified dbeta function |
dcauchy_l |
A modified dcauchy functions |
dconstant |
A pseudo constant function to get constant densities |
deviance.model |
Calculate the statistics of model complexity |
dgamma_l |
A modified dgamma function |
Deviance information criteria |
dlnorm_l |
A modified dlnorm functions |
dtnorm |
Truncated Normal Distribution |
effectiveSize |
Calculate effective sample sizes |
effectiveSize_hyper |
Calculate effective sample sizes |
effectiveSize_many |
Calculate effective sample sizes |
effectiveSize_one |
Calculate effective sample sizes |
gelman |
Potential scale reduction factor |
GetNsim |
Get a n-cell matrix |
GetParameterMatrix |
Constructs a ns x npar matrix, |
GetPNames |
Extract parameter names from a model object |
get_os |
Retrieve information of operating system |
ggdmc |
Bayeisan computation of response time models |
hgelman |
Potential scale reduction factor |
iseffective |
Model checking functions |
isflat |
Model checking functions |
ismixed |
Model checking functions |
isstuck |
Model checking functions |
likelihood |
Calculate log likelihoods |
mcmc_list.model |
Create a MCMC list |
phi2mcmclist |
Convert theta to a mcmc List |
PickStuck |
Which chains get stuck |
plot.prior |
Plot prior distributions |
plot_prior |
Plot prior distributions |
print.dmi |
Create a model object |
print.model |
Create a model object |
print.prior |
Print Prior Distribution |
ptnorm |
Truncated Normal Distribution |
random |
Generate random numbers |
rlba_norm |
Generate Random Deviates of the LBA Distribution |
rprior |
Parameter Prior Distributions |
rtnorm |
Truncated Normal Distribution |
run |
Start new model fits |
simulate.model |
Simulate response time data |
StartNewsamples |
Start new model fits |
summary.model |
Summarise posterior samples |
summary_mcmc_list |
Summary statistic for posterior samples |
TableParameters |
Table response and parameter |
theta2mcmclist |
Convert theta to a mcmc List |
unstick_one |
Unstick posterios samples (One subject) |