gg_tile {ggblanket}R Documentation

Tile ggplot


Create a tile plot with a wrapper around ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_tile().


  data = NULL,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  coord = ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off"),
  mode = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  xmin = NULL,
  xmax = NULL,
  xend = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  ymin = NULL,
  ymax = NULL,
  yend = NULL,
  z = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  facet = NULL,
  facet2 = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  subgroup = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  text = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  x_expand = NULL,
  x_expand_limits = NULL,
  x_labels = NULL,
  x_limits = NULL,
  x_oob = scales::oob_keep,
  x_position = "bottom",
  x_title = NULL,
  x_transform = NULL,
  y_breaks = NULL,
  y_expand = NULL,
  y_expand_limits = NULL,
  y_labels = NULL,
  y_limits = NULL,
  y_oob = scales::oob_keep,
  y_position = "left",
  y_title = NULL,
  y_transform = NULL,
  col_breaks = NULL,
  col_expand_limits = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  col_legend_ncol = NULL,
  col_legend_nrow = NULL,
  col_legend_rev = FALSE,
  col_limits = NULL,
  col_oob = scales::oob_keep,
  col_palette = NULL,
  col_palette_na = NULL,
  col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
  col_steps = FALSE,
  col_title = NULL,
  col_transform = NULL,
  facet_axes = NULL,
  facet_axis_labels = "margins",
  facet_labels = NULL,
  facet_layout = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL,
  facet_nrow = NULL,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_space = "fixed",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  titles_to_case = snakecase::to_sentence_case



A data frame or tibble.


Other arguments passed to within a params list in layer().


A statistical transformation to use on the data. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Stat subclass object minus the Stat prefix (e.g. "identity").


A position adjustment. A snakecase character string of a ggproto Position subclass object minus the Position prefix (e.g. "identity"), or a ⁠position_*()⁠ function that outputs a ggproto Position subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::position_identity()).


A coordinate system. A ⁠coord_*()⁠ function that outputs a constructed ggproto Coord subclass object (e.g. ggplot2::coord_cartesian()).


A ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme (e.g. light_mode_t(), grey_mode_r(), or dark_mode_r()). This argument adds the theme with side-effects, as the ⁠gg_*⁠ function will removes selected gridlines/axis-line/ticks. To avoid these side-effects, + the theme on to the output of ⁠gg_*⁠.

x, xmin, xmax, xend, y, ymin, ymax, yend, z, col, facet, facet2, group, subgroup, label, text, sample

An unquoted aesthetic variable.


A set of additional aesthetic mappings in ggplot2::aes(). Intended primarily for non-supported aesthetics (e.g. shape, linetype, linewidth, or size), but can also be used for delayed evaluation etc.

x_breaks, y_breaks, col_breaks

A ⁠scales::breaks_*⁠ function (e.g. scales::breaks_pretty()), or a vector of breaks.

x_expand, y_expand

Padding to the limits with the ggplot2::expansion() function, or a vector of length 2 (e.g. c(0, 0)).

x_expand_limits, y_expand_limits, col_expand_limits

For a continuous variable, any values that the limits should encompass (e.g. 0). For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with forcats::fct_expand.

x_labels, y_labels, col_labels, facet_labels

A function that takes the breaks as inputs (e.g. ⁠\(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x)⁠ or scales::label_comma()), or a vector of labels (Note this must be named for facet_labels).

x_limits, y_limits, col_limits

For a continuous scale, a vector of length 2 to determine the limits of the scale. For a discrete scale, manipulate the data instead with factor, forcats::fct_expand or forcats::fct_drop.

x_oob, y_oob, col_oob

For a continuous scale, a ⁠scales::oob_*⁠ function of how to handle values outside of limits. Defaults to scales::oob_keep.

x_position, y_position

The position of the axis (i.e. "left", "right", "bottom" or "top").If using y_position = "top" with a ⁠*_mode_*⁠ theme, add caption = "" or caption = "\n".

x_title, y_title, col_title

Axis title string. Use + ggplot2::labs(... = NULL) for no title.

x_transform, y_transform, col_transform

For a continuous scale, a transformation object (e.g. scales::transform_log10()) or character string of this minus the transform_ prefix (e.g. "log10").

col_legend_ncol, col_legend_nrow

The number of columns and rows in a legend guide.


TRUE or FALSE of whether to reverse the elements of a legend guide. Defaults to FALSE.


Colour palette to use. A character vector of hex codes (or names).


Colour palette to use for NA values. A character value of a hex code (or name).


For a continuous variable, a scales::rescale() function.


For a continuous variable, TRUE or FALSE of whether to colour in steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether to add interior axes and ticks with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y". Sometimes ⁠+ *_mode_*()⁠ may be needed.


Whether to add interior axis labels with "margins", "all", "all_x", or "all_y".


Whether the layout is to be "wrap" or "grid". If NULL and a single facet (or facet2) argument is provided, then defaults to "wrap". If NULL and both facet and facet2 arguments are provided, defaults to "grid".

facet_ncol, facet_nrow

The number of columns and rows of facet panels. Only applies to a facet layout of "wrap".


Whether facet scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


When the facet layout is "grid" and facet scales are not "fixed", whether facet space should be "fixed" across facets, "free" to be proportional in both directions, or free to be proportional in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed".


Title string.


Subtitle string.


Caption title string.


A function to format unspecified titles. Defaults to snakecase::to_sentence_case.


A ggplot object.




penguins |>
  mutate(across(sex, \(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(x))) |>
  group_by(species, sex) |>
  summarise(across(flipper_length_mm, \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))) |>
    x = sex,
    y = species,
    col = flipper_length_mm,

[Package ggblanket version 8.0.0 Index]