nn_sum {geohabnet}R Documentation

Calculation on network metrics a.k.a centralities.


These are functions under the igraph package adapted to calculate habitat connectivity. In the context of habitat connectivity, the functions can be interpreted as follows:


nn_sum(crop_dm, ...)

node_strength(crop_dm, ...)

betweeness(crop_dm, ...)

ev(crop_dm, ...)

degree(crop_dm, ...)

closeness(crop_dm, ...)

pagerank(crop_dm, ...)



A square adjacency matrix, in which rows and columns names represent nodes (or locations) and each entry indicate the relative likelihood of pathogen or pest movement between a pair of nodes. In the internal workflow, the adjacency matrix comes as a result of operations within sean() function. This weight represents the importance of the network metric in the habitat connectivity analysis.


arguments to corresponding funtions in igraph


SpatRaster. Representing connectivity of each node or location.


Csardi G, Nepusz T (2006). “The igraph software package for complex network research.” InterJournal, Complex Systems, 1695. https://igraph.org.

See Also

Other metrics: supported_metrics()

[Package geohabnet version 2.1.3 Index]