Implementing Methods for Spatial Fuzzy Unsupervised Classification

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Documentation for package ‘geocmeans’ version 0.3.4

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adjustSpatialWeights Semantic adjusted spatial weights
Arcachon SpatRaster of the bay of Arcachon
barPlots Bar plots
boot_group_validation Check the robustness of a classification by Bootstrap Check that the obtained groups are stable by bootstrap (multicore)
calcCalinskiHarabasz Calinski-Harabasz index
calcDaviesBouldin Davies-Bouldin index
calcELSA calculate ELSA statistic for a hard partition
calcexplainedInertia Explained inertia index
calcFukuyamaSugeno Fukuyama and Sugeno index
calcFuzzyELSA calculate ELSA statistic for a fuzzy partition
calcGD43 Generalized Dunn’s index (43)
calcGD53 Generalized Dunn’s index (53)
calcNegentropyI Negentropy Increment index
calcqualityIndexes Quality indexes
calcSilhouetteIdx Fuzzy Silhouette index
calcUncertaintyIndex Diversity index
calc_local_moran_raster Local Moran I for raster
calc_moran_raster Global Moran I for raster
catToBelongings Convert categories to membership matrix
cat_to_belongings Convert categories to membership matrix
circular_window Circular window
CMeans C-means
GCMeans Generalized C-means
groups_matching Match the groups obtained from two classifications
is.FCMres is method for FCMres
load_arcachon SpatRaster of the bay of Arcachon
LyonIris social and environmental indicators for the Iris of the metropolitan region of Lyon (France)
mapClusters Mapping the clusters
plot.FCMres Plot method for FCMres object
predict.FCMres Predict method for FCMres object
predict_membership Predict matrix membership for new observations
print.FCMres print method for FCMres
selectParameters Select parameters for a clustering algorithm Select parameters for clustering algorithm (multicore)
select_parameters Select parameters for a clustering algorithm Select parameters for clustering algorithm (multicore)
SFCMeans SFCMeans
spatialDiag Spatial diagnostic
spConsistency Spatial consistency index
spiderPlots Spider chart
sp_clust_explorer Classification result explorer
standardizer Standardizing helper
summarizeClusters Descriptive statistics by group
summary.FCMres Summary method for FCMres
uncertaintyMap Uncertainty map
undecidedUnits Undecided observations
violinPlots Violin plots