gdalraster-package {gdalraster}R Documentation

Bindings to the GDAL Raster API


gdalraster is an interface to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) for low level raster I/O. Calling signatures resemble those of the native C, C++ and Python APIs provided by the GDAL project. See for details of the GDAL Raster API.


Core functionality is contained in class GDALRaster and several related stand-alone functions:

Additional functionality includes:


Documentation for GDALRaster-class and several wrapper functions borrows from the GDAL API documentation, (c) 1998-2024, Frank Warmerdam, Even Rouault, and others, MIT license.

Sample datasets included with the package are used in examples throughout the documentation. The sample data include LANDFIRE raster layers describing terrain, vegetation and wildland fuels (LF 2020 version), Landsat C2 Analysis Ready Data from USGS Earth Explorer, and Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) fire perimeters from 1984-2022. Metadata for the sample datasets are in inst/extdata/

system.file() is used in the examples to access the sample datasets. This enables the code to run regardless of where R is installed. Users will normally give file names as a regular full path or relative to the current working directory.


GDAL is by: Frank Warmerdam, Even Rouault and others

R interface/additional functionality: Chris Toney

Maintainer: Chris Toney <chris.toney at>

See Also

GDAL Raster Data Model:

Raster format descriptions:

Geotransform tutorial:

GDAL Virtual File Systems:

[Package gdalraster version 1.11.1 Index]