Bindings to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' Raster API

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Documentation for package ‘gdalraster’ version 1.10.0

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gdalraster-package Bindings to the GDAL Raster API
addFilesInZip Create/append to a potentially Seek-Optimized ZIP file (SOZip)
bandCopyWholeRaster Copy a whole raster band efficiently
bbox_from_wkt Get the bounding box of a geometry specified in OGC WKT format
bbox_intersect Bounding box intersection / union
bbox_to_wkt Convert a bounding box to POLYGON in OGC WKT format
bbox_union Bounding box intersection / union
buildRAT Build a GDAL Raster Attribute Table with VALUE, COUNT
buildVRT Build a GDAL virtual raster from a list of datasets
calc Raster calculation
CmbTable Class for counting unique combinations of integers
CmbTable-class Class for counting unique combinations of integers
combine Raster overlay for unique combinations
copyDatasetFiles Copy the files of a dataset
create Create a new uninitialized raster
createColorRamp Create a color ramp
createCopy Create a copy of a raster
DEFAULT_DEM_PROC List of default DEM processing options
DEFAULT_NODATA List of default nodata values by raster data type
deleteDataset Delete named dataset
dem_proc GDAL DEM processing
displayRAT Display a GDAL Raster Attribute Table
epsg_to_wkt Convert spatial reference from EPSG code to OGC Well Known Text
fillNodata Fill selected pixels by interpolation from surrounding areas
footprint Compute footprint of a raster
GDALRaster Class encapsulating a raster dataset and its associated raster bands
gdalraster Bindings to the GDAL Raster API
GDALRaster-class Class encapsulating a raster dataset and its associated raster bands
gdal_formats Retrieve information on GDAL format drivers for raster and vector
gdal_version Get GDAL version
geos_version Get GEOS version
getCreationOptions Return the list of creation options of a GDAL driver
get_cache_used Get the size of memory in use by the GDAL block cache
get_config_option Get GDAL configuration option
get_pixel_line Raster pixel/line from geospatial x,y coordinates
g_buffer Compute buffer of a WKT geometry
g_transform Apply a coordinate transformation to a WKT geometry
has_geos Is GEOS available?
inv_geotransform Invert geotransform
inv_project Inverse project geospatial x/y coordinates to longitude/latitude
ogr2ogr Convert vector data between different formats
ogrinfo Retrieve information about a vector data source
plot_raster Display raster data
polygonize Create a polygon feature layer from raster data
pop_error_handler Pop error handler off stack
proj_networking Check, enable or disable PROJ networking capabilities
proj_search_paths Get or set search path(s) for PROJ resource files
proj_version Get PROJ version
push_error_handler Push a new GDAL CPLError handler
rasterFromRaster Create a raster from an existing raster as template
rasterize Burn vector geometries into a raster
rasterToVRT Create a GDAL virtual raster derived from one source dataset
Rcpp_CmbTable Class for counting unique combinations of integers
Rcpp_CmbTable-class Class for counting unique combinations of integers
Rcpp_GDALRaster Class encapsulating a raster dataset and its associated raster bands
Rcpp_GDALRaster-class Class encapsulating a raster dataset and its associated raster bands
Rcpp_RunningStats Class to calculate mean and variance in one pass
Rcpp_RunningStats-class Class to calculate mean and variance in one pass
read_ds Convenience wrapper for 'GDALRaster$read()'
renameDataset Rename a dataset
RunningStats Class to calculate mean and variance in one pass
RunningStats-class Class to calculate mean and variance in one pass
set_config_option Set GDAL configuration option
sieveFilter Remove small raster polygons
srs_is_geographic Check if WKT definition is a geographic coordinate system
srs_is_projected Check if WKT definition is a projected coordinate system
srs_is_same Do these two spatial references describe the same system?
srs_to_wkt Convert spatial reference definition to OGC Well Known Text
transform_xy Transform geospatial x/y coordinates
translate Convert raster data between different formats
vsi_copy_file Copy a source file to a target filename
vsi_curl_clear_cache Clean cache associated with /vsicurl/ and related file systems
vsi_get_disk_free_space Return free disk space available on the filesystem
vsi_get_fs_options Return the list of options associated with a virtual file system handler
vsi_get_fs_prefixes Return the list of virtual file system handlers currently registered
vsi_mkdir Create a directory
vsi_read_dir Read names in a directory
vsi_rename Rename a file
vsi_rmdir Delete a directory
vsi_stat Get filesystem object info
vsi_supports_rnd_write Return whether the filesystem supports random write
vsi_supports_seq_write Return whether the filesystem supports sequential write
vsi_sync Synchronize a source file/directory with a target file/directory
vsi_unlink Delete a file
vsi_unlink_batch Delete several files in a batch
warp Raster reprojection and mosaicing