Earth Observation Data Cubes from Satellite Image Collections

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Documentation for package ‘gdalcubes’ version 0.7.0

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$.cube Subsetting data cubes
.copy_cube Create a data cube proxy object copy
add_collection_format Download and install an image collection format from a URL
add_images Add images to an existing image collection
aggregate_space Spatial aggregation of data cubes
aggregate_time Aggregate data cube time series to lower temporal resolution
animate Animate a data cube as an image time series
apply_pixel Apply a function over (multi-band) pixels
apply_pixel.array Apply a function over pixels in a four-dimensional (band, time, y, x) array
apply_pixel.cube Apply arithmetic expressions over all pixels of a data cube
apply_time Apply a function over (multi-band) pixel time series
apply_time.array Apply a function over pixel time series in a four-dimensional (band, time, y, x) array
apply_time.cube Apply a user-defined R function over (multi-band) pixel time series Convert a data cube to a data.frame
as_array Convert a data cube to an in-memory R array
as_json Query data cube properties
bands Query data cube properties
chunk_apply Apply an R function on chunks of a data cube
collection_formats List predefined image collection formats
create_image_collection Create an image collection from a set of GDAL datasets or files
crop Crop data cube extent by space and/or time
cube_view Create or update a spatiotemporal data cube view
dim.cube Query data cube properties
dimensions Query data cube properties
dimension_bounds Query coordinate bounds for all dimensions of a data cube
dimension_values Query coordinate values for all dimensions of a data cube
extent Derive the spatiotemporal extent of an image collection
extract_geom Extract values from a data cube by spatial or spatiotemporal features
fill_time Fill NA data cube pixels by simple time series interpolation
filter_geom Filter data cube pixels by a polygon
filter_pixel Filter data cube pixels by a user-defined predicate on band values
gdalcubes gdalcubes: Earth Observation Data Cubes from Satellite Image Collections
gdalcubes_gdalformats Get available GDAL drivers
gdalcubes_gdalversion Get the GDAL version used by gdalcubes
gdalcubes_gdal_has_geos Check if GDAL was built with GEOS
gdalcubes_options Set or read global options of the gdalcubes package
gdalcubes_selection Subsetting data cubes
gdalcubes_set_gdal_config Set GDAL config options
image_collection Load an existing image collection from a file
image_mask Create a mask for images in a raster data cube
join_bands Join bands of two identically shaped data cubes
json_cube Read a data cube from a json description file
memsize Query data cube properties
names.cube Query data cube properties
nbands Query data cube properties
ncdf_cube Read a data cube from an existing netCDF file
nt Query data cube properties
nx Query data cube properties
ny Query data cube properties
pack_minmax Helper function to define packed data exports by min / max values
plot.cube Plot a gdalcubes data cube
predict.cube Model prediction
print.cube Print data cube information
print.cube_view Print data cube view information
print.image_collection Print image collection information
proj4 Query data cube properties
raster_cube Create a data cube from an image collection
read_chunk_as_array Read chunk data of a data cube from stdin or a file
reduce_space Reduce multidimensional data over space
reduce_space.array Apply a function over space and bands in a four-dimensional (band, time, y, x) array and reduce spatial dimensions
reduce_space.cube Reduce a data cube over spatial (x,y or lat,lon) dimensions
reduce_time Reduce multidimensional data over time
reduce_time.array Apply a function over time and bands in a four-dimensional (band, time, y, x) array and reduce time dimension
reduce_time.cube Reduce a data cube over the time dimension
rename_bands Rename bands of a data cube
select_bands Select bands of a data cube
select_time Select time slices of a data cube
size Query data cube properties
slice_space Extract a single time series (spatial slice) from a data cube
slice_time Extract a single time slice from a data cube
srs Query data cube properties
stack_cube Create a data cube from a set of images with the same spatial extent and spatial reference system
stac_image_collection Create an image collection from a STAC feature collection
st_as_stars.cube Coerce gdalcubes object into a stars object
window_space Apply a moving window (focal) operation or a convolution kernel over spatial dimensions of a data cube.
window_time Apply a moving window operation over the time dimension of a data cube
write_chunk_from_array Write chunk data of a cube to stdout or a file
write_ncdf Export a data cube as netCDF file(s)
write_tif Export a data cube as a collection of GeoTIFF files
[.cube Subsetting data cubes