read_wides {gcplyr}R Documentation

Read wides


A function that imports widemeasures in files into the R environment


  filetype = NULL,
  startrow = NULL,
  endrow = NULL,
  startcol = NULL,
  endcol = NULL,
  header = TRUE,
  sheet = NULL,
  run_names = NULL,
  run_names_header = "file",
  run_names_dot = FALSE,
  run_names_path = TRUE,
  run_names_ext = FALSE,
  metadata = NULL,
  na.strings = c("NA", ""),



A vector of filepaths (relative to current working directory) where each one is a widemeasures set of data


(optional) the type(s) of the files. Options include:

"csv", "xls", or "xlsx".

"tbl" or "table" to use read.table to read the file, "csv2" to use read.csv2, "delim" to use read.delim, or "delim2" to use read.delim2.

If none provided, read_wides will infer filetype(s) from the extension(s) in files. When extension is not "csv", "xls", or "xlsx", will use "table".

startrow, endrow, startcol, endcol

(optional) the rows and columns where the data are located in files.

Can be a vector or list the same length as files, or a single value that applies to all files. Values can be numeric or a string that will be automatically converted to numeric by from_excel.

If not provided, data is presumed to begin on the first row and column of the file(s) and end on the last row and column of the file(s).


logical for whether there is a header in the data. If FALSE columns are simply numbered. If TRUE, the first row of the data (startrow if specified) is used as the column names


The sheet of the input files where data is located (if input files are .xls or .xlsx). If not specified defaults to the first sheet


Names to give the widemeasures read in. By default uses the file names if not specified


Should the run names (provided in run_names or inferred from files) be added as a column to the widemeasures? If run_names_header is NULL, they will not be. If run_names_header is a string, that string will be the column header for the column where the names will be stored


If run_names are inferred from filenames, should the leading './' (if any) be retained


If run_names are inferred from filenames, should the path (if any) be retained


If run_names are inferred from filenames, should the file extension (if any) be retained


(optional) non-spectrophotometric data that should be associated with each read widemeasures. A named list where each item in the list is either: a vector of length 2, or a list containing two vectors.

In the former case, each vector should provide the row and column where the metadata is located in all of the blockmeasures input files.

In the latter case, the first vector should provide the rows where the metadata is located in each of the corresponding input files, and the second vector should provide the columns where the metadata is located in each of the corresponding input files. (This case is typically used when reading multiple blocks from a single file.)


A character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values by read.csv, read_xls, read_xlsx, or read.table


Deprecated, use filetype instead


Deprecated, use run_names_header instead


Other arguments passed to read.csv, read_xls, read_xlsx, or read.table


startrow, endrow, startcol, endcol, timecol, sheet and filetype can either be a single value that applies for all files or vectors or lists the same length as files,


A dataframe containing a single widemeasures, or A list of widemeasures named by filename

[Package gcplyr version 1.10.0 Index]