manhattan {gaston}R Documentation

Manhattan plot


Draws a Manhattan plot


 manhattan(x, bty = "n", chrom.col = c("black", "gray50"), thinning = TRUE, ... ) 



A data.frame with columns named chr, pos and p.


Type of box to draw about the plot. Default is to draw none.


Logical. If TRUE, not all points are displayed.


Alternating colors for chromosomes.


Graphical parameters to be passed to plot.


If there is only one chromosome value in x$chr, the x-axis will be labeled with the SNP position. In the general case, the x-axis is labeled with the chromosome name and the color of the points alternates between the colors in chrom.col.

The default value bty = "n" should give the best result for GWAS Manhattan plots. See par for other possible values of bty and their meaning.

The thinning procedure suppress some points to avoid generating too heavy graphs. The user should check that setting thinning = FALSE does not change the final aspect of the plot.


An invisible copy of x is returned, in which a column coord has been added if there is more than one chromosome value in x$chr. This column contains the x-coordinates of each SNP on the plot, and should prove helpful to annotate it.

See Also

association.test, qqplot.pvalues, par, plot.default, points.default

[Package gaston version 1.6 Index]