margins {garray}R Documentation

The margins and dimensions of a generalized array object


Margins means the names of dimnames of an array. margins<- and remargins are for renaming, but margins<- ignores the names of value while remargins according to the names of value renames the margins. Doing so, remargins may also keep sdim. margins<- always removes sdim. For remargins the length of value can be shorter than that of the margins if the value has names.



margins(x) <- value

remargins(x, value)



A generalized array.


A character vector will become the margins (names of dimnames) of the generalized array. margins<- ignores the names of value while remargins according to the names of value renames the margins. For remargins the length of value can be shorter than that of the margins if the value has names.

[Package garray version 1.1.2 Index]