Generalized Array Arithmetic for Ragged Arrays with Named Margins

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Documentation for package ‘garray’ version 1.1.2

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%+% Function composition operator
%X% Generalized array multiplication.
abind Combine generalized arrays
amap Mapping matching dimension of arrays with a function
amult Generalized array multiplication.
aperm.garray General array transposition
areduce Generalized and smart apply()/Reduce()/tapply() for data folding. Coerce to a Data Frame
as.garray Generalized and smart array
as.garray.default Generalized and smart array
as.garray.garray Generalized and smart array
awipe Generalized array's sweep() for data cleaning.
dim Dimensions of a generalized array
dim.garray Dimensions of a generalized array
dim<- Dimensions of a generalized array
dim<-.garray Dimensions of a generalized array
garray Generalized and smart array
garray.array Generalized and smart array
is.garray Generalized and smart array Generalized and smart array
is.scalar Generalized and smart array
margins The margins and dimensions of a generalized array object
margins<- The margins and dimensions of a generalized array object
Ops.garray Mapping matching dimension of arrays with a function
print.garray Print Values
psummary Parallel summary, inspired by pmax() and pmin().
psummary.default Parallel summary, inspired by pmax() and pmin().
psummary.garray Parallel summary, inspired by pmax() and pmin().
read.ctable Read a complex table and return array in basic storagemode.
remargins The margins and dimensions of a generalized array object
sdim Subdimensions of an array
sdim<- Subdimensions of an array
[ Indexing for the garray class
[.garray Indexing for the garray class
[<- Indexing for the garray class
[<-.garray Indexing for the garray class