A B C D E F G I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W misc
addEdge | Query a graph |
addEdge.gModel | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
adj | Query a graph |
all_pairs | Create all possible pairs |
all_subsets | Create all subsets |
all_subsets0 | Create all subsets |
ancestors | Query a graph |
ancestralGraph | Query a graph |
ancestralSet | Query a graph |
api-array-07 | Array operations (2007) |
api-array-properties | Check if object is array |
api-cell | Table cell operations. |
api-cell_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
api-parray | Representation of and operations on multidimensional arrays |
api-pct-operations | Array algebra |
api-tabDist | Marginalize and condition in multidimensional array. |
api-tabNew | Create multidimensional arrays |
api-tabX | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
api-tabX_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
api_tabSlice | Array slices |
array-simulate | Simulate data from array. |
as.adjMAT | Functions from Graphical Modelling with R book |
as.parray | Representation of and operations on multidimensional arrays |
ashtrees | Crown dieback in ash trees |
BodyFat | Body Fat Data |
breastcancer | Gene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250 breast cancer samples |
cad1 | Coronary artery disease data |
cad2 | Coronary artery disease data |
carcass | Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcasses |
carcassall | Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcasses |
cell2entry | Table cell operations. |
cell2entry_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
cell2entry_perm | Table cell operations. |
cell2entry_perm_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
chestSim1000 | Simulated data from the Chest Clinic example |
chestSim10000 | Simulated data from the Chest Clinic example |
chestSim100000 | Simulated data from the Chest Clinic example |
chestSim500 | Simulated data from the Chest Clinic example |
chestSim50000 | Simulated data from the Chest Clinic example |
children | Query a graph |
closure | Query a graph |
coerceGraph | Graph coercion |
colmat2list | gRbase utilities |
colSumsPrim | gRbase utilities |
colwiseProd | gRbase utilities |
combn_prim | Generate All Combinations of n Elements Taken m at a Time |
compareModels | Generic function for model comparison |
compile | Compile and propagate functions |
conc2pcor | Partial correlation (matrix) |
connComp | Query a graph |
cov2pcor | Partial correlation (matrix) |
dag | Create undirected and directed graphs |
dag2edge_matrix | Coerce dag to edge matrix |
dagi | Create undirected and directed graphs |
dagList | Create undirected and directed graphs |
data-ashtrees | Crown dieback in ash trees |
data-BodyFat | Body Fat Data |
data-breastcancer | Gene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250 breast cancer samples |
data-carcass | Lean meat contents of 344 pig carcasses |
data-chestSim | Simulated data from the Chest Clinic example |
data-dietox | Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experiment |
data-dumping | Gastric Dumping |
data-lizard | Lizard behaviour |
data-mathmark | Mathematics marks for students |
data-mildew | Mildew fungus |
data-milkcomp | Milk composition data |
data-Nutrimouse | The Nutrimouse Dataset |
data-personality | Personality traits |
data-rats | Weightloss of rats |
data-reinis | Risk factors for coronary heart disease. |
data-wine | Chemical composition of wine |
data2parray | Representation of and operations on multidimensional arrays |
data_cad | Coronary artery disease data |
data_handling | Utilities for data handling |
dietox | Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experiment |
dimnames_match | Check if object is array |
downstream-aliases | Downstream aliases |
dropEdge.gModel | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
dumping | Gastric Dumping |
edgeList | Find edges in a graph and edges not in a graph. |
edgeListMAT | Find edges in a graph and edges not in a graph. |
edges | Query a graph |
edges_ | Query a graph |
edge_matrix | Coerce dag to edge matrix |
edge_matrix2dag | Coerce dag to edge matrix |
ell | Downstream aliases |
ellK | Downstream aliases |
entry2cell | Table cell operations. |
entry2cell_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
extract.power | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
fact_grid | Table cell operations. |
fastcombn | Generate All Combinations of n Elements Taken m at a Time |
filter_maximal_vectors | Suite of set operations |
fit | Compile and propagate functions |
getCliques | Get cliques of an undirected graph |
get_cliques | Get cliques of an undirected graph |
get_subset | Suite of set operations |
get_superset | Suite of set operations |
ggm | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
gmwr_book | Functions from Graphical Modelling with R book |
graph-clique | Get cliques of an undirected graph |
graph-coerce | Graph coercion |
graph-coerce-api | API for coercing graph representations |
graph-create | Create undirected and directed graphs |
graph-edgeList | Find edges in a graph and edges not in a graph. |
graph-gcproperties | Properties of a generating class (for defining a graph). |
graph-mcs | Maximum cardinality search on undirected graph. |
graph-min-triangulate | Minimal triangulation of an undirected graph |
graph-moralize | Moralize a directed acyclic graph |
graph-mpd | Maximal prime subgraph decomposition |
graph-randomdag | Random directed acyclic graph |
graph-rip | Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree. |
graph-triangulate | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
graph_as | Graph coercion |
graph_coerce_list | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
graph_iplot | Function for plotting graphs using the 'igraph' package. |
graph_is | Check properties of graphs. |
graph_query | Query a graph |
graph_topo_sort | Topological sort of vertices in directed acyclic graph |
graph_vpar | List of vertices and their parents for graph. |
gRbase | The package 'gRbase': summary information |
grbase-utilities | gRbase utilities |
grbase_generics | Compile and propagate functions |
g_adl2dm_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_adl2ig_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_adl2M_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_adl2sm_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_adl2XX_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_dagl2dm_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_dagl2ig_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_dagl2M_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_dagl2sm_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_dagl2XX_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_dm2ig_ | API for coercing graph representations |
g_dm2sm_ | API for coercing graph representations |
g_ig2dm_ | API for coercing graph representations |
g_ig2sm_ | API for coercing graph representations |
g_M2adl_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_M2dagl_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_M2ugl_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_sm2dm_ | API for coercing graph representations |
g_sm2ig_ | API for coercing graph representations |
g_ugl2dm_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_ugl2ig_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_ugl2M_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_ugl2sm_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_ugl2XX_ | Coercion of graphs represented as lists |
g_xm2dm_ | API for coercing graph representations |
g_xm2ig_ | API for coercing graph representations |
g_xm2sm_ | API for coercing graph representations |
g_xm2xm_ | API for coercing graph representations |
internal | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
intersectPrim | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
iplot | Function for plotting graphs using the 'igraph' package. |
iplot.igraph | Function for plotting graphs using the 'igraph' package. |
is.adjMAT | Check properties of graphs. |
is.complete | Query a graph |
is.DAG | Check properties of graphs. |
is.decomposition | Query a graph |
is.DG | Check properties of graphs. |
is.named.array | Check if object is array |
is.simplicial | Query a graph |
is.subsetof | Suite of set operations |
is.triangulated | Query a graph |
is.TUG | Check properties of graphs. |
is.UG | Check properties of graphs. |
isDecomposable | Properties of a generating class (for defining a graph). |
isDecomposable.default | Properties of a generating class (for defining a graph). |
isGraphical | Properties of a generating class (for defining a graph). |
isGraphical.default | Properties of a generating class (for defining a graph). |
isGSD_glist | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
is_adjMAT | Check properties of graphs. |
is_dag | Check properties of graphs. |
is_dagMAT | Check properties of graphs. |
is_dg | Check properties of graphs. |
is_dgMAT | Check properties of graphs. |
is_dimnames_ | Check if object is array |
is_inset | Suite of set operations |
is_named_array_ | Check if object is array |
is_number_vector_ | Check if object is array |
is_subsetof | Suite of set operations |
is_tug | Check properties of graphs. |
is_tugMAT | Check properties of graphs. |
is_ug | Check properties of graphs. |
is_ugMAT | Check properties of graphs. |
jTree | Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree. |
junctionTree | Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree. |
junction_tree | Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree. |
junction_tree.default | Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree. |
junction_treeMAT | Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree. |
lapplyI2V | gRbase utilities |
lapplyV2I | gRbase utilities |
list2rhsf | gRbase utilities |
list2rhsFormula | gRbase utilities |
listify_dots | gRbase utilities |
lizard | Lizard behaviour |
lizardAGG | Lizard behaviour |
lizardRAW | Lizard behaviour |
makeDimNames | Representation of and operations on multidimensional arrays |
make_plevels_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
MAT2ftM_ | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
matchPrim | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
math | Mathematics marks for students |
mathmark | Mathematics marks for students |
matrix2list | gRbase utilities |
maxClique | Get cliques of an undirected graph |
maxCliqueMAT | Get cliques of an undirected graph |
maximal_sets | Suite of set operations |
max_cliqueMAT | Get cliques of an undirected graph |
mcs | Maximum cardinality search on undirected graph. |
mcs.default | Maximum cardinality search on undirected graph. |
mcsMAT | Maximum cardinality search on undirected graph. |
mcs_marked | Maximum cardinality search on undirected graph. |
mcs_marked.default | Maximum cardinality search on undirected graph. |
mcs_markedMAT | Maximum cardinality search on undirected graph. |
mildew | Mildew fungus |
milkcomp | Milk composition data |
milkcomp1 | Milk composition data |
minimal_sets | Suite of set operations |
minimal_triang | Minimal triangulation of an undirected graph |
minimal_triangMAT | Minimal triangulation of an undirected graph |
moralize | Moralize a directed acyclic graph |
moralize.default | Moralize a directed acyclic graph |
moralizeMAT | Moralize a directed acyclic graph |
mpd | Maximal prime subgraph decomposition |
mpd.default | Maximal prime subgraph decomposition |
mpdMAT | Maximal prime subgraph decomposition |
names2pairs | Create all possible pairs |
next_cell | Table cell operations. |
next_cell2 | Table cell operations. |
next_cell2_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
next_cell_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
next_cell_slice | Table cell operations. |
next_cell_slice_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
nLevels | Utilities for data handling |
nLevels.default | Utilities for data handling |
nodes | Query a graph |
nodes-method | Query a graph |
nodes_ | Query a graph |
nonEdgeList | Find edges in a graph and edges not in a graph. |
nonEdgeListMAT | Find edges in a graph and edges not in a graph. |
Nutrimouse | The Nutrimouse Dataset |
outerPrim | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
pairs2num | gRbase utilities |
parents | Query a graph |
parray | Representation of and operations on multidimensional arrays |
perm_cell_entries | Table cell operations. |
perm_cell_entries_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
personality | Personality traits |
processFormula | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
propagate | Compile and propagate functions |
prostate | Prostate Tumor Gene Expression Dataset |
qgraph | Query a graph |
querygraph | Query a graph |
randomGraph | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
random_dag | Random directed acyclic graph |
rats | Weightloss of rats |
reinis | Risk factors for coronary heart disease. |
removeEdge | Query a graph |
remove_redundant | Suite of set operations |
rhsf2list | gRbase utilities |
rhsf2vec | gRbase utilities |
rhsFormula2list | gRbase utilities |
rip | Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree. |
rip.default | Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree. |
ripMAT | Create RIP ordering of the cliques of an undirected graph; create junction tree. |
rowmat2list | gRbase utilities |
rowSumsPrim | gRbase utilities |
selectOrder | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
separates | Query a graph |
set-operations | Suite of set operations |
setdiffPrim | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
simplicialNodes | Query a graph |
simulate.array | Simulate data from array. |
simulate.table | Simulate data from array. |
simulate.xtabs | Simulate data from array. |
simulateArray | Simulate data from array. |
slice2entry | Table cell operations. |
slice2entry_ | Low level table cell operations implemented in c++ |
solveSPD | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
stepwise | Compile and propagate functions |
subGraph | Query a graph |
subsetof | Suite of set operations |
symMAT2ftM_ | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
tabAdd | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabAlign | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabDist | Marginalize and condition in multidimensional array. |
tabDiv | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabDiv0 | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabEqual | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabExpand | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tableDiv | Array operations (2007) |
tableGetSliceIndex | Array operations (2007) |
tableMargin | Array operations (2007) |
tableMult | Array operations (2007) |
tableOp | Array operations (2007) |
tableOp0 | Array operations (2007) |
tableOp2 | Array operations (2007) |
tablePerm | Array operations (2007) |
tableSetSliceValue | Array operations (2007) |
tableSlice | Array operations (2007) |
tableSlicePrim | Array operations (2007) |
tabListAdd | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabListMult | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabMarg | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabMult | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabNew | Create multidimensional arrays |
tabNormalize | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabOp | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabPerm | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabProd | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabSlice | Array slices |
tabSlice2 | Array slices |
tabSlice2Entries | Array slices |
tabSliceMult | Array slices |
tabSlicePrim | Array slices |
tabSubt | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tabSum | Interface - operations on multidimensional arrays. |
tab_add_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_align_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_div0_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_div_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_equal_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_expand_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_list_add_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_list_mult_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_marg_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_mult_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_op_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_perm_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
tab_subt_ | Table operations implemented in c++ |
topoSort | Topological sort of vertices in directed acyclic graph |
topoSortMAT | Topological sort of vertices in directed acyclic graph |
topo_sort | Topological sort of vertices in directed acyclic graph |
topo_sortMAT | Topological sort of vertices in directed acyclic graph |
triang | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triang.default | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triangulate | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triangulate.default | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triangulateMAT | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triang_elo | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triang_elo.default | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triang_eloMAT | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triang_eloMAT_ | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triang_mcwh | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triang_mcwh.default | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
triang_mcwhMAT_ | Triangulation of an undirected graph |
ug | Create undirected and directed graphs |
ug2dag | Coerce between undirected and directed graphs when possible |
ugi | Create undirected and directed graphs |
ugList | Create undirected and directed graphs |
uniquePrim | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
unlistPrim | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
valueLabels | Utilities for data handling |
valueLabels.default | Utilities for data handling |
varNames | Utilities for data handling |
varNames.default | Utilities for data handling |
vchi | List of vertices and their parents for graph. |
vchiMAT | List of vertices and their parents for graph. |
vpar | List of vertices and their parents for graph. |
vparMAT | List of vertices and their parents for graph. |
which.arr.index | gRbase utilities |
which_matrix_index | gRbase utilities |
wine | Chemical composition of wine |
%>% | Internal functions for the gRbase package |
%a*% | Array algebra |
%a+% | Array algebra |
%a-% | Array algebra |
%a/% | Array algebra |
%a/0% | Array algebra |
%a==% | Array algebra |
%aalign% | Array algebra |
%amarg% | Array algebra |
%aperm% | Array algebra |
%aslice% | Array algebra |
%aslice*% | Array algebra |
%a^% | Array algebra |
%a_% | Array algebra |