Creating and Representing Functional Trait Spaces

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Documentation for package ‘funspace’ version 0.2.1

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funspace Functional space
funspaceDim Dimensionality of a trait space
funspaceGAM Functional space GAM
funspaceNull Null models in functional space
GSPFF Aboveground traits from the global spectrum of plant form and function (complete data)
GSPFF_missing Aboveground traits from the global spectrum of plant form and function (incomplete data)
GSPFF_missing_tax Taxonomic information for plants from the global spectrum of plant form and function (incomplete data)
GSPFF_tax Taxonomic information for plants from the global spectrum of plant form and function (complete data)
impute Imputing Trait Information
phylo Phylogeny for species from the global spectrum of plant form and function (incomplete data)
plot.funspace Functional space plotting
summary.funspace Summarizing Functional Spaces