scarcity {funrar}R Documentation

Scarcity on site-species matrix


Computes scarcity from a relative abundance matrix of species. Scarcity is close to 1 when a species is rare in a community and close to 0 when it is abundant. It requires a site-species matrix with relative abundances. See Details section for the formula. The sites-species matrix should have sites in rows and species in columns, similar to vegan package defaults.





a site-species matrix, with species in rows and sites in columns, containing relative abundances values


The scarcity of species is computed as follow:

Si=expNlog2Ai, S_i = \exp{-N \log{2} A_i},

with SiS_i the scarcity of species ii, NN the total number of species in the community and AiA_i the relative abundance of species ii in the community. Scarcity is thus a measure of the local rarity in terms of abundances. If SiS_i is close to 1 the species has a very low abundances while if it's close to 0, it is quite abundant in the community.


a similar matrix to pres_matrix with scarcity values in lieu of relative abundances.

See Also

vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar") for details on the scarcity metric; distinctiveness(), restrictedness(), uniqueness()


data("aravo", package = "ade4")
# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
mat = make_relative(mat)

si = scarcity(pres_matrix = mat)
si[1:5, 1:5]

[Package funrar version 1.5.0 Index]